conflict | n 1. fighting, battle, pertempuran: armed ~, pertempuran bersenjata; 2. struggle, controversy, konflik, pertikaian, persengketaan: the ~ between the superpowers, pertikaian antara kuasa-kuasa besar; the ~ between the church and the state, persengketaan antara pihak gereja dgn pihak kerajaan; 3. opposition, difference, konflik, percanggahan, pertentangan: a ~ of ideas, percanggahan idea; a ~ of interests, konflik kepentingan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interpersonal | adj antara perorangan: ~ conflict, konflik antara perorangan; ~ relations, hubungan antara perorangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frightening | adj menakutkan: the ugly face of racial conflict has become a ~ spectre, wajah hodoh konflik perkauman telah menjadi momok yg menakutkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grow | ~ out of, a. result from, arise, /berpunca, bermula/ drpd: the conflict grew out of a misunderstanding, konflik itu berpunca drpd salah faham; b. become too big for, tdk boleh lagi memakai: she has ~n out of all her old clothes, dia sudah tdk boleh lagi memakai semua pakaian lamanya; c. discard as one becomes older, meninggalkan: thank goodness he has ~n out of throwing tantrums, syukurlah dia telah meninggalkan tabiatnya yg suka memberang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
evil | n 1. force that brings about wickedness and harm, (kuasa) jahat: the conflict between good and ~, konflik antara kuasa baik dan kuasa jahat; 2. wickedness, kejahatan: money is the root of all ~, wang ialah punca segala kejahatan; 3. st very unpleasant, harmful, kecelakaan: he spoke out strongly against the ~s of war, dia memperkatakan kecelakaan peperangan dgn keras; some people regard prostitution as a social ~, sesetengah orang menganggap pelacuran sbg kecelakaan sosial; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
good | n 1. virtue, kebaikan: there is always some ~ in a person, lazimnya setiap orang mempunyai kebaikan; the eternal conflict between ~ and evil, konflik yg berterusan antara kebaikan dan kejahatan; 2. benefit, advantage, kebaikan: the punishment was for the child’s own ~, denda tersebut adalah utk kebaikan anak itu sendiri; he worked for the ~ of his country, dia bekerja demi kebaikan negaranya; 3. use, gunanya: what ~ is furniture without a house, apa gunanya perabot tanpa rumah; 4. the ~, virtuous persons, orang baik: only the ~ die young, hanya orang baik yg mati muda; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disunite | vt (act.) memecahbelahkan; (pass.) berpecah-belah: quarrels over inheritance ~ the family, pergaduhan krn harta pusaka telah memecahbelahkan keluarga itu; the country was ~d by racial conflicts, negara itu berpecah-belah krn konflik ras; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
irreconcilable | adj (fml) 1. (of persons) so hostile towards each other as not able to be reconciled, tdk mungkin berbaik: they remained ~ enemies for the rest of their lives, mereka bermusuhan dan tdk mungkin berbaik hingga ke akhir hayat; 2. (of opinion, proposal, objectives, etc) conflicting, sangat bertentangan: the two accounts are simply ~, dua cerita itu sangat bertentangan; 3. that cannot be settled, tdk mungkin dapat diselesaikan: an ~ conflict, konflik yg tdk mungkin dapat diselesaikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
division | n 1. (math) pembahagian, bahagi: long ~, pembahagian panjang; short ~, pembahagian pendek; 2. separation into parts, pembahagian: the ~ of a country into electoral districts, pembahagian sesebuah negara kpd kawasan-kawasan pilihan raya; 3. dividing line, pemisah: the rivers form a ~ between the two states, sungai itu menjadi pemisah antara kedua-dua negeri; 4. disagreement, split, perbezaan (+ approp n): ~ of opinion, perbezaan pendapat; the people were torn apart by a wide ~ over the Vietnam conflict, rakyat berpecah-belah krn perbezaan pendapat yg besar ttg konflik Vietnam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |