infected | adj 1. not able to heal because of germs, dijangkiti kuman; (of tooth) rosak: the wound has become ~, luka itu dijangkiti kuman; 2. contaminated, dicemari kuman: ~ water, air yg dicemari kuman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bug | n 1. (insect) kepinding, pijat, pepijat, pijat-pijat; 2. see BEDBUG; 3. (sl) germ, kuman: flu ~, kuman flu; 4. (sl) craze, gila: she’s been bitten by the travel ~, dia gila mengembara; 5. (colloq) fault esp in computer or computer programme, pepijat, kesilapan; 6. concealed microphone as used in espionage, peranti pepijat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
germ warfare | n perang kuman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
germ | n 1. disease-causing micro-organism, kuman; 2. rudimentary form capable of becoming new organism, germa; 3. (fig) bibit: the ~ of an idea which changed academic thinking, bibit gagasan yg mengubah pemikiran ilmiah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infect | 2. contaminate, mencemari: the well water was ~ed with cholera germs, air perigi itu dicemari kuman taun; 3. affect (so.) as if it were a disease, menjangkiti: we must not allow these vices to ~ the people, kita tdk boleh membiarkan perbuatan-perbuatan maksiat ini menjangkiti orang ramai; 4. affect, influence with happy feelings etc, berjangkit-jangkit kpd, menjangkiti: her laughter ~ed the others, ketawanya sudah berjangkit-jangkit kpd yg lain; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
culture | 4. social and intellectual refinement, beradab: he is a man of considerable ~, dia beradab orangnya; 5. development of body by education or training, penjagaan: she went to physical ~ classes, dia mengikuti kelas penjagaan badan; an expert in beauty ~, pakar penjagaan kecantikan; 6. rearing, breeding, pemeliharaan, pembiakan: bee ~ is only a hobby with him, pembiakan lebah hanyalah hobi baginya; 7. (biol) kultur: a ~ of typhoid germs, kultur kuman tifoid; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
defence | 3. device which protects, a. (mil) pertahanan, alat pertahanan: the ~s of a city, pertahanan bandar raya; machine guns are a good ~ against attacks, mesingan merupakan alat pertahanan yg baik utk mematahkan serangan; b. (non-military), [various translations]: dykes were built as a ~ against the sea, daik dibina sbg pelindung drpd ancaman laut; white corpuscles are one of the body’s ~ es against germs, sel-sel putih merupakan salah satu bahan yg boleh mencegah kuman drpd masuk; 4. justification, membela diri: without listening to my ~ the board decided to take disciplinary action against me, tanpa memberi saya peluang untuk membela diri pihak lembaga membuat keputusan untuk mengambil tindakan tatatertib thdp saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |