diffident | adj kurang /yakin, percaya/ pd diri sendiri: the young girl was ~ on her first day at work, gadis itu kurang yakin pd diri sendiri pd hari pertama dia bekerja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
diffidence | n sikap kurang /yakin, percaya/ pd diri sendiri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lack | vt (be without) tdk ada [n], tidak [adj] ; (not have) tdk mempunyai; (not have enough of) kurang: to ~ the courage to do st, tidak berani melakukan sst; they ~ed the basic necessities of life, mereka tdk mempunyai keperluan asas kehidupan; despite his qualifications, he seems to ~ confidence, walaupun dia berkelulusan, nampaknya dia kurang yakin; what /so., st/~s is, yang tdk ada pd /sso, sst/ ialah: what she ~s is experience, yang tdk ada padanya ialah pengalaman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | 22. with regard to, [various translations]: it is all right ~ theory, but it won’t work ~ practice, dr segi teori perkara itu munasabah, tetapi dr segi praktik tidak; the houses are ~ old-fashioned design, reka bentuk rumah itu lama; the table is five feet ~ length, panjang meja itu lima kaki; lacking ~ initiative, kurang daya inisiatif; Brunei Darussalam, a sultanate rich ~ oil, Brunei Darussalam, sebuah negara bersultan yg kaya dgn minyak; 23. a. (indic the nature of feeling directed towards so.) pada: I have faith ~ him, saya yakin padanya; b. (indic nature of feeling directed towards st) terhadap: he shows no interest ~ what goes on around him, dia tdk menunjukkan sebarang minat terhadap apa-apa yg berlaku di kelilingnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |