angularly | adv 1. bonily, kurus; (of face) cengkung: an ~ built body, badan yg kurus; 2. jerkily, awkwardly, dgn /kekok, canggung/; 3. in a manner lacking suavity, dgn kasar; 4. with angles, berbucu-bucu: an ~ designed building, bangunan yg direka bentuk berbucu-bucu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gaunt | adj 1. bony and haggard, kurus kering; (of cheeks, eyes) cengkung: the prisoners of war looked ~, tawanan-tawanan perang itu kelihatan kurus kering; 2. bare and desolate, gondol dan gersang; (of house) kosong dan tdk berseri: the ~ trees in winter, pohon-pohon gondol dan gersang pd musim sejuk; a ~ landscape, pandangan darat yg gondol dan gersang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bony | adj 1. of, consisting of bones, terdiri drpd tulang: the ~ structure of the head, struktur kepala yg terdiri drpd tulang; 2. having many bones, banyak tulangnya: ~ fish, ikan yg banyak tulangnya; 3. having large or prominent bones, kurus; (of face, cheek) cengkung: a big, ~ man, lelaki yg berbadan besar dan kurus; 4. with little flesh, kurus: ~ fingers, jari-jari yg kurus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gauntness | n 1. haggardness, kurus kering; (of cheeks, eyes) cengkung; 2. bareness and desolateness, kegondolan dan kegersangan; (of house) kosong dan tdk berseri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
angular | adj 1. lean and bony, a. (of person) kurus; b. (of face) cengkung; 2. stiff, awkward, a. (in movement) kekok, canggung: ~ gait, gaya berjalan yg kekok; b. (in character, manner) agak kasar: his ~ disposition made it difficult for him to make friends, pembawaannya yg agak kasar menyebabkan dia sukar mendapat kawan; 3. having an angle or angles, berbucu-bucu: the church was an ~ stone structure, gereja itu merupakan binaan batu yg berbucu-bucu; 4. placed at an angle, sudut: ~ artery, arteri sudut; 5. measured by angle, sudut: ~ divergence, capahan sudut; ~ aperture, bukaan sudut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beanpole | n 1. (stick, pole) junjung, jalaran; 2. tall, thin person, (orang yg) tinggi /kurus, lampai/, si panjang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bloom | vi 1. bear flowers, berbunga: plants that ~ all the year round, pokok yg berbunga sepanjang tahun; 2. (of flower) open, mekar, kembang; 3. flourish, berkembang (subur): talent that ~s at an early age, bakat yg berkembang subur pd usia yg muda; 4. be in full beauty and perfection, mekar: a scrawny child who ~ed into a beautiful woman, kanak-kanak kurus kering yg mekar menjadi wanita yg cantik; 5. glow, berseri: the child’s face ~s with health, muka kanak-kanak itu berseri krn sihat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
far | adv 1. at, to considerable distance in space, jauh: do you live ~ from here?, kamu tinggal jauh dr sini?; we did not go ~, kami tdk pergi jauh; 2. from a considerable distance, dr jauh: did you come ~?, kamu datang dr jauh?; 3. (used with other adv or prep) a great distance in space or time, jauh: they lived ~ away from us, mereka tinggal jauh dr rumah kami; he was ~ ahead of the other runners, dia jauh di hadapan pelari-pelari lain; to look ~ into the future, melihat jauh ke masa depan; 4. a great deal, very much, a. (modifying adj) jauh: the journey was ~ worse than we expected, perjalanan itu jauh lebih teruk drpd yg kami sangka; it would have been ~ better to resign, jauh lebih baik sekiranya dia meletak jawatan; b. (modifying adv), [not translated]: she’s ~ too thin, dia terlalu kurus; it’s ~ too crowded in here, tempat ini terlalu sesak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |