misconduct | n 1. bad behaviour, salah laku: he was warned against further ~ in court, dia diberi amaran supaya tdk salah laku lagi di mahkamah; his wife sued for divorce on the grounds of his ~ with a female colleague, isterinya men | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
perverted | adj 1. ( of person ) kinky, sumbang laku: I think he must be ~, saya rasa dia seorang yg sumbang laku; 2. (of st) unnatural, warped, sumbang: ~ values, nilai-nilai yg sumbang; a ~ sense of humour, rasa lucu yg sumbang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dishonoured | adj 1. disgraced, telah diaibkan; 2. (commerce) tak /layan, laku/: ~ cheques, cek tak laku. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cranky | adj (colloq & derog) 1. eccentric, (of person) aneh laku; (of idea, behaviour) ganjil, aneh, eksentrik: a ~ scientist, ahli sains yg aneh laku; 2. (of machine etc) suka meragam; 3. (US) grouchy, perengus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
behaviour, (US) behavior | n 1. manner of conducting os, kelakuan, tingkah laku; (towards so.) kelakuan: his ~ at the party was disgraceful, kelakuannya di majlis itu memalukan; good ~, kelakuan baik; be on o’s best ~, berkelakuan baik; 2. (psychol) tingkah laku; 3. action, reaction of st under given circumstances, a. (of chemical substance, metal, etc) tindakan; b. (of machine etc) perjalanan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bland | adj 1. gentle, lembut: ~ manners, tingkah laku yg lembut; 2. mediocre, dull, tdk menarik: a ~ young man, seorang pemuda yg tdk menarik; 3. not stimulating, mild, hambar: a ~ diet, sajian makanan yg hambar; 4. mild and soothing, nyaman: the ~ climate of the island, iklim nyaman di pulau itu; 5. unemotional, bersahaja: the criminal made a ~ confession, penjenayah itu membuat pengakuan bersahaja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unprofessional | adj 1. (of conduct) tdk profesional: ~ behaviour, tingkah laku yg tdk profesional; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
behave | vi 1. conduct os (in a specified way) berkelakuan, bertingkah laku; (foll by “with courage” etc) bertindak: stop behaving like a child, jangan berkelakuan spt kanak-kanak; he ~d with great courage during the fire, dia bertindak dgn beraninya semasa kebakaran itu; ~ + adv /towards, to/, berlaku + adv thdp: he ~d badly towards his wife, dia berlaku jahat thdp isterinya; 2. conduct os with propriety, berkelakuan baik, bersopan: the children are taught to ~, kanak-kanak itu diajar berkelakuan baik; know how to ~, tahu /adab, berbudi pekerti/; teach so. how to ~, mengajar sso /beradab, berbudi pekerti, bersopan/; 3. act in a particular way, bertindak: observe how the metal ~s under pressure, perhatikan bagaimana logam itu bertindak di bawah tekanan; 4. function in a particular way, tdk meragam: the car ~d well on the trip, kereta tersebut tdk meragam dlm perjalanan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
instinctive | adj 1. of, rel to instinct, kenalurian: ~ behaviour, tingkah laku kenalurian; 2. derived from or prompted by instinct, didorong oleh /naluri, gerak hati/: his reaction was ~, reaksinya didorong oleh naluri; she has an ~ fear of darkness, rasa takutnya akan gelap didorong oleh nalurinya; take an ~ dislike to, have an ~ mistrust of, etc, [sso] tanpa sebab tdk /suka, percaya, dll/ akan: I took an ~ dislike to the new laboratory assistant, saya tanpa sebab tdk suka akan pembantu makmal itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eccentric | adj 1. odd, a. (of person) aneh laku, eksentrik; b. (of behaviour, idea, etc) eksentrik, ganjil, aneh: ~ ideas, idea-idea yg eksentrik; 2. (math) eksentrik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |