garish | adj (of colour) menyilaukan; (of article of clothing, light, etc) menyilau warnanya: ~ green, warna hijau yg menyilaukan; a ~ scarf, skarf yg menyilau warnanya; ~ neon lights, lampu-lampu neon yg menyilau warnanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heighten | vt 1. raise, meninggikan (lagi): the ceiling ought to be ~ed a little, siling itu patut ditinggikan sedikit lagi; 2. enhance, menyerlahkan: the lights ~ the beauty of the room, lampu-lampu menyerlahkan keindahan bilik itu; 3. increase, (act.) memuncakkan; (pass.) memuncak; (the effect of st) menambahkan: the comment ~ed his anger, komen itu memuncakkan kemarahannya; the lighting ~ed the dramatic effect of the place, pencahayaan menambahkan kesan dramatik tempat itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lamp | n lampu: he left the bedside ~ on, dia membiarkan lampu tidur terpasang; an infra-red ~, lampu sinar merah; an oil ~, lampu minyak, pelita. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glow | n 1. the giving out of heat or light, pijar; (of cigarette) api: the ~ from the coal furnace, pijar dr relau arang batu; 2. steady, even light, cahaya: the ~ of the city lights in the distance, cahaya lampu-lampu kota itu di kejauhan; 3. vividness of colour, radiance, cahaya: the ~ of sunset lit up the sky, cahaya matahari terbenam menerangi langit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flashlight | n 1. (photog) lampu /denyar, kilat/; 2. (US) torch, lampu suluh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blaze1 | vi 1. also ~ away, ~ up, burn brightly, memarak, bernyala dgn marak: the bonfire was still blazing, unggun api itu masih memarak; 2. shine brightly, ( of the sun ) memancar terik; (of light) bersinar terang-benderang: the sun was blazing overhead, mata hari sedang memancar terik; lights were blazing in the house, lampu-lampu bersinar terang-benderang di rumah itu; 3. be bright with colour, bersemarak: the flower show ~d with colour, pertunjukan bunga itu bersemarak dgn warna-warni; 4. burn with intense feeling, berapi-api, bernyala-nyala: his eyes ~d with anger, matanya berapi-api krn marah; 5. also ~ up, flare, memarak: enmity ~d up again between them, permusuhan memarak semula antara mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | semakin kaya; i. continue without change, berterusan: this state of affairs can’t ~ on forever, keadaan ini tdk boleh berterusan selama-lamanya; j. continue (doing st) terus: he ~es on trying, dia terus mencuba; k. continue living, terus hidup; l. be turned on, dipasang: the lights ~ on at 6.30 p.m., lampu-lampu dipasang pd pukul 6.30 petang; m. act according to, judge by, [various translations]: there’s not enough evidence to ~ on, tdk ada bukti yg cukup utk dijadikan asas bertindak; we cannot ~ on his account entirely, kita tdk boleh bertindak berdasarkan ceritanya sahaja; be ~ne on so., tergila-gilakan sso; ~ on /holiday, a picnic, etc/, pergi /bercuti, berkelah, dll/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flood-light | vt (usu pass.) menerangi [sst] dgn lampu sorot: the palace is floodlit at night, istana itu diterangi lampu sorot pd waktu malam | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burn | vi 1. undergo combustion, be or be set on fire, terbakar: the house was ~ing and there were cries for help, rumah itu terbakar dan kedengaran jeritan minta tolong; some wood ~s easily, setengah-setengah kayu mudah terbakar; that material won’t ~, bahan itu tdk boleh terbakar; 2. emit light, menyala, bernyala: the lights in the house ~ed all night, lampu-lampu dlm rumah itu menyala sepanjang malam; the fire ~ed brightly, api itu bernyala dgn maraknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beacon | n signal fire, api isyarat, suar; 2./b> signal light, lampu isyarat, suar; (of pedestrian crossing), /suar, lampu/ lintasan jalan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |