pistol-whip | vt/memukul, menghentak/ dgn laras pistol: the bank robber ~ped the manager , perompak bank menghentak pengurus itu dgn laras pistol. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
muzzle velocity | n halaju laras. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
project | b. (light) memancarkan: the adjustable reflector ~s the light whenever it is needed, pemantul cahaya yg boleh laras memancarkan cahaya bila-bila masa diperlukan; 5. produce (voice) with clarity, melaungkan: he can ~ his voice so that it can be distinctly heard at the back of the hall, dia boleh melaungkan suaranya supaya dapat didengar di belakang dewan itu; 6. represent os or o’s qualities outwardly in a favourable light, menonjolkan: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bore1 | n 1. borehole, lubang /gerek, bor/; 2. hollow part of gun barrel, lubang laras; 3. calibre, kaliber; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bent | adj 1. curved, lentur, lengkung: the bow is not ~ enough, busur itu tdk cukup lentur; 2. crooked, bengkok: the barrel of this rifle is ~, laras senapang ini bengkok; 3. (of person, person’s body) bongkok: an old man ~ with age, orang tua yg bongkok; 4. (of head), (ter)tunduk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
register | n 1. list recording names, events, etc, daftar: a ~ of births, marriages and deaths, daftar kelahiran, perkahwinan dan kematian; on the ~ of, dlm daftar; 2. book containing such a list, buku daftar; 3. (mus) tingkat nada; (of human voice) tingkat suara; (of musical intrument) tingkat register; 4. (ling) laras: to write in formal ~, menulis dlm laras formal; 5. mechanical device that records, (/mesin, alat/) daftar: a cash ~, mesin daftar tunai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gun | n 1. firearm, a. (gen) senjata api; (long and usu fired from the shoulder) senapang: ~ store, kedai senjata api; various types of ~s are being exhibited, pelbagai jenis senjata api sedang dipamerkan; the men were carrying ~s, lelaki-lelaki itu membawa senapang; the hunter was armed with a double-barrelled ~, pemburu itu bersenjatakan senapang dua laras; b. (shotgun) senapang patah; (rifle) raifal; (pistol) pistol; (revolver) revolver; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
barrel | n 1. (container) tong, tahang; 2. (content) tong: she sold three ~s of apples at market, dia menjual tiga tong epal di pasar; 3. tubular part, a. (of fountain pen) batang; b. (of gun) laras. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |