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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata larut;

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

fat solubleadj larut lemak: ~ vitamins, vitamin larut lemak.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
late~ developer, lambat berkembang; at a ~ hour, pd larut malam; keep ~ hours, berjaga sampai larut malam;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dissolvevi 1. melt, liquefy, (me)larut: the substance ~s in water, bahan ini larut dlm air; 2. break up, come to an end, bubar: Parliament ~s at the end of the week, Parlimen bubar pd hujung minggu; the partnership ~d after a few years, perkongsian itu bubar selepas beberapa tahun; 3. vanish, hilang, lenyap; (from sight) hilang dr penglihatan: the sea ~d in a thick fog, laut itu hilang dr penglihatan dlm kabut tebal;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
arrowrootn 1. (plant) ubi /garut, larut, karut/, ararut, sagu belanda; 2. (starch) kanji ubi /garut, larut, karut/, kanji /ararut, sagu belanda/.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
insolubleadj 1. not capable of being dissolved, tdk larut; (tech) tak terlarutkan: the tablets are ~ in water, ubat biji itu tdk larut dlm air; 2. not capable of being solved, tdk dapat /diselesaikan, dipecahkan/: an ~ problem, masalah yg tdk dapat dipecahkan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
advanced4. far on in time, course, growth, etc, a. (of night) jauh, larut: the night was well ~, hari sudah jauh malam or malam telah larut; b. (of season) udah lanjut: the summer was already ~, musim panas sudah lanjut; c. (of disease) teruk, serius: cancer at its ~ stage, kanser yg sudah teruk; 5. higher, a. (of study, degree, diploma, etc) tinggi: ~ mathematics, (ilmu) matematik tinggi; b. (of course of study) lanjutan: an ~ course in civil engineering, kursus lanjutan kejuruteraan awam;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
latenessn kelewatan, kelambatan: his habitual ~ is becoming a problem, kelewatannya telah menjadi kebiasaan yg menimbulkan masalah; the ~ of the hour, larut malam: because of the ~ of the hour, they decided to spend the night there, oleh sebab telah larut malam, mereka memutuskan utk bermalam di situ.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gloamingn (poet.) senja /larut, aram-temaram/.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dissolubleadj 1. capable of being dissolved, disintegrated, boleh larut; 2. capable of being annulled etc, boleh dibubarkan: marriage as a ~ contract, perkahwinan sbg kontrak yg boleh dibubarkan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
deep~ down (in so’s heart), jauh di lubuk hati sso; ~ into the night, hingga /jauh, larut, lewat/ malam: to read ~ into the night, membaca hingga jauh malam; /be, become, run, go/ ~, a. dalam: the river runs ~, sungai itu dalam; b. (fig.) mendalam: the feeling goes ~, perasaan itu mendalam;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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