ocean | n 1. sea, laut; (tech) laut, samudera: the ship sank to the bottom of the ~, kapal itu tenggelam hingga ke dasar laut; 2. one of the five oceans of the world, lautan: the Pacific O~, Lautan Pasifik; ~ liner, kapal/ samudera, laut/; 3. very large area, lautan: an ~ of sand, lautan pasir; 4. (colloq) great number, quantity, banyak; (of flowers, food) berlambak-lambak; (of money) bertimbun-timbun, berlambak-lambak: we have ~s of room in the new house, ada banyak bilik dlm rumah baru kami; don’t hurry! We’ve ~s of time, tak usah tergesa-gesa! Kita ada banyak masa; there seemed to be ~s of food on the table, makanan kelihatan berlambak-lambak di atas meja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boundless | adj 1. tdk /terhingga, terbatas/ luasnya: ~ ocean, lautan yg tdk terhingga luasnya; ~ heavens, langit yg tdk terhingga luasnya; 2. (fig.) tdk /terhingga, terbatas/: his generosity is ~, kemurahan hatinya tdk terhingga; ~ energy, tenaga yg tdk terhingga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
navigate | vt 1. direct, control the course of, mengemudikan, memandu arah: he ~d the ship through dangerous rocks, dia mengemudikan kapal itu melalui celah-celah batu yg berbahaya; 2. traverse, a. (by ship) melayari, (belayar) mengharungi: ships big enough to ~ oceans, kapal-kapal yg cukup besar utk melayari lautan; b. (by aircraft) membuat penerbangan merentasi: the first aircraft to ~ the Atlantic, kapal terbang yg pertama membuat penerbangan merentasi lautan Atlantik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unfathomed | adj 1. not fathomed, tdk terduga: the ~ depths of the ocean, kedalaman lautan yg tdk terduga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arctic | adj 1. A~, of the northern polar region, Artik: the A~ Ocean, Lautan Artik; 2. (colloq) very cold, sejuk betul: the weather was ~, cuaca hari itu sejuk betul; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blue | adj 1. (rel to colour) biru: the ~ sky, langit biru; the ~ ocean, lautan biru; ~ jeans, jean biru; 2. (rel to the skin) discoloured by cold, fear, etc, naik biru: hands ~ from the cold, tangan yg naik biru akibat kesejukan; 3. depressed, sugul, murung: to feel ~, berasa sugul; 4. dismal, bleak, muram: a ~ day, hari yg muram; 5. indecent, lucah: ~ films, filem-filem lucah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
swim | vi 1. move through water, berenangthey braved the rough seas and swam ashore, mereka mengharungi lautan yg bergelora itu dan berenang ke pantaithe fish swam round and round in the bowl, ikan itu berenang berpusing-pusing di dlm balang itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unfathomable | adj 1. not capable of being fathomed, tdk dapat /diduga, diukur/: the ~ waters of the ocean, kedalaman lautan yg tdk dapat diduga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adrift | adj & adv 1. terapung-apung: they were ~ for seven days in the Pacific, mereka terapung-apung selama tujuh hari di Lautan Pasifik; 2. (fig.) hanyut: to be ~ on a sea of trouble, hanyut dlm arus kesusahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
current | n 1. (of water, air, gas) arus: strong air ~s, arus udara yg kuat; cold ~, arus dingin; ocean ~, arus lautan; 2. (electr) arus: ~ generator, penjana arus; 3. general trend, arus, aliran: the ~ of o’s life, arus hidup sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |