ineligible | adj tdk layak: he is ~ for a pension, dia tdk layak utk menerima pencen; he was ~ to vote as he was not a member, dia tdk layak mengundi krn dia bukan ahli. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disqualify | vt usu ~ /for, from /, 1. make unsuitable, unfit for, (act.) menyebabkan [sso] tdk layak, tdk melayakkan [sso]; (pass.) tdk layak: bad eyesight disqualified him for the job, penglihatan yg tdk baik menyebabkan dia tdk layak utk jawatan itu; he was disqualified for military service because he was under age, dia tdk layak memasuki tentera krn umurnya tdk cukup; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eligible | adj fit, qualified for office, function, etc, layak: an employee with less than five years service is not ~ for a housing loan, pekerja yg belum cukup lima tahun tempoh perkhidmatannya tdk layak mendapat pinjaman perumahan; ~ for social welfare payments, layak mendapat bantuan kebajikan masyarakat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
due | ~ for st, layak diberi sst: he is ~ for a promotion, dia layak diberi kenaikan pangkat; give credit where credit’s ~, memberikan penghargaan pd tempatnya; in ~ course, apabila tiba masanya: the results will be made known in ~ course, keputusan akan diberitahu apabila tiba masanya; with ~ respect, saya menghormati [pendapat sso] tetapi: with ~ respect to my colleague, I feel that the figures quoted are inaccurate, saya menghormati pendapat rakan saya, tetapi saya rasa angka yg diberikan tdk tepat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
airworthy | n layak terbang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ineligibility | n tdk layak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fit1 | adj 1. (suitable, appropriate) sesuai; (competent, worthy) layak: the water is not ~ to drink, air itu tdk sesuai utk diminum; he is ~ for the position, dia sesuai utk jawatan itu; this is not a ~ time to talk about the matter, ini bukan masa yg sesuai utk bercakap ttg perkara itu; do you think he is ~ to teach the Sixth Form?, kamu rasa dia layak utk mengajar Tingkatan Enam?; 2. in good health, sihat; (foll by infin) cukup sihat: he is not ~ at the moment: he can’t walk a hundred yards without getting out of breath, dia tdk sihat pd masa ini: berjalan seratus ela pun dia mengah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beneath | prep 1. underneath, di bawah: ~ the layer of snow, di bawah lapisan salji; 2. unworthy of, tdk layak bagi, tdk selayaknya dgn, tdk wajar bagi: such dishonest behaviour would be ~ him, kelakuan yg tdk jujur spt itu tdk layak baginya; 3. too lowly for, terlalu rendah bagi: he felt that the job was ~ him, dia berasa bahawa pekerjaan itu terlalu rendah baginya; 4. lower than in rank etc, di bawah, lebih rendah drpd: a captain is ~ a major, pangkat kapten di bawah pangkat mejar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
age | 3. time of life person is qualified for st, umur: voting ~, umur layak mengundi; retirement ~, umur bersara; 4. stage of life, peringkat umur: middle ~, peringkat separuh umur; 5. later part of life, tua, berumur: to be bent with ~, bongkok krn tua; 6. period in history, geologic time, zaman: the Dark A~s, Zaman Kelam; the Bronze A~, Zaman Perunggu; the Ice A~, Zaman Ais; 7. generation, zaman: traditions handed down through the ~s, tradisi yg diturun-temurunkan dr zaman ke zaman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
constitutionally | adv in accordance with the constitution, /menurut, mengikut/ perlembagaan: he was not ~ eligible to fill the position, menurut perlembagaan dia tdk layak mengisi jawatan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |