All | ~ one (to so.) sama saja (bagi sso); ~ out, (ber)mati-matian, (ber)habis-habisan: our team must go ~ out to win, pasukan kita harus berusaha bermati-matian utk menang; [see also ALL-OUT adj]; ~ over, a. (of place) i. everywhere, merata-rata, di merata(-rata) tempat, di serata tempat; (on, in every part of body etc) seluruh, serata: I’ve looked ~ over for you, saya sudah mencari kamu merata-rata; her body was bruised ~ over, seluruh badannya lebam-lebam; the gown was covered ~ over with sequins, seluruh gaun itu dihiasi labuci; ii. everywhere in, di /seluruh, merata(-rata), serata/, di /merata(-rata), serata/ tempat di; (as intensifier), [various translations]: ~ over the world, di seluruh dunia; you’ve got mud ~ over our shoes, kasutmu berlumuran lumpur; there are ants ~ over the food, makanan itu dikerumuni semut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
discolouration, (US) discoloration | n 1. a. (gen) pengubahan warna; (tech) penyahwarnaan; b. (due to washing or exposure) i. (of clothes, fabric) pelunturan, pudarnya, pucatnya; ii. (of jewellery, metal) pudarnya, kusamnya; (state) kepudaran; iii. (of paper, teeth) kuningnya; c. (due to clouding by dirt etc) keruhnya; d. (due to a knock or blow) lebamnya; 2. discoloured spot, a. (gen) perubahan warna; b. (due to washing, exposure) i. (of clothes, fabric) warna yg /luntur, pudar, pucat/; ii. (of jewellery, metal) kesan /pudar, kusam/; iii. (of paper, teeth) warna kuning; iv. (due to a knock or blow) lebam: the ~ on his arm, lebam di tangannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
discolour, (US) discolor | vi a. (gen), /berubah, bertukar/ warna; b. (due to washing or exposure), i. (of clothes, fabric>) menjadi /luntur, pudar, pucat/, turun warna; ii. (of jewellery, metal) menjadi /pudar, kusam/; iii. (of paper, teeth) menjadi kuning; c. (due to clouding by dirt etc) menjadi keruh; d. (due to a knock, blow) menjadi lebam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |