plus | adj 1. (after a number or quantity) more than the number, quantity mentioned, lebih: she was thirty ~ when she got married, umurnya lebih tiga puluh tahun semasa dia berkahwin; repairs will cost you $1,000 ~, kerja-kerja membaiki akan menelan belanja lebih $1,000; 2. (of grade) campur: she got an A ~ for her assignment, dia mendapat A campur utk tugasannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
worse | adv (compar of BADLY esp sense 1.) lebih /buruk, teruk/: he treats me ~ than a dog, dia memperlakukan saya lebih teruk drpd anjing; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
remnant | n 1. part left over after use, etc, sisa-sisa, lebih-lebih, reja-reja: the ~s of meat left on the bone, sisa-sisa daging yg tertinggal pd tulang; 2. surviving trace as of a former era, saki-baki: the last ~s of a once glorious Empire, saki-baki terakhir drpd Empayar yg gemilang pd satu masa dahulu; 3. piece of material from the end of a roll, baki kain: a sale of silk ~s, jualan murah baki-baki kain sutera; 4. remaining number of persons, saki-baki: the scattered ~s of a defeated army, saki-baki tentera yg kalah yg berselerakan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
remains | n 1. that which is left after use etc, sisa-sisa, lebih-lebih: she cleared away the ~ of the meal, dia membersihkan sisa-sisa makanan itu; 2. ruins, tinggalan: the ~s of a forgotten civilization, tinggalan-tinggalan peradaban yg telah dilupakan; 3. (fml) dead body, esp of human being, jasad: his ~ lie in the village graveyard, jasadnya bersemadi di tanah perkuburan di kampung itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
better1 | adv 1. more, lebih: he knows the subject ~ than you do, dia lebih mengetahui perkara itu drpd kamu; she is ~ loved than her sister, dia lebih disayangi drpd kakaknya; 2. more usefully, to a greater advantage or benefit, lebih baik: his remarks are ~ ignored, kata-katanya itu lebih baik tdk dihiraukan; 3. in a more excellent manner, lebih baik: he plays tennis ~ than his friends, dia bermain tenis lebih baik drpd kawan-kawannya; she writes ~ than she speaks, dia menulis lebih baik drpd dia bertutur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
better1 | be ~ off, a. be richer, lebih berada: they are ~ off than we are, mereka lebih berada drpd kami; b. be in more favourable circumstances, lebih baik (lagi): because of his illness, he would be ~ off in a warmer climate, oleh sebab penyakitnya itu, lebih baik dia tinggal di tempat yg lebih panas iklimnya; she’ll be ~ off in a mental asylum, dia lebih baik tingal di rumah sakit otak; go one ~ (than) mengatasi; had ~, lebih baik: I had ~ warn you, lebih baik saya mengingatkan kamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
worse | adj (compar of BAD, esp senses 1. – 11.) lebih /buruk, teruk, dll [as appropriate]/: we were told about the accident but there was even ~ news to come, kami telah diberitahu ttg kemalangan itu, tetapi masih ada berita yg lebih buruk lagi; his flu is ~ today, selesemanya lebih teruk hari ini; there are ~ crimes than theft, ada perbuatan jenayah yg lebih buruk drpd mencuri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
outshine | vt 1. shine brighter than, (bersinar) lebih terang drpd; 2. be better than, lebih cemerlang; (used with “can”, “be able to”, “manage” or when modified by adv) approp v /dgn lebih cemerlang, + n yg lebih cemerlang/ drpd: she outshone the other candidates, dia lebih cemerlang drpd calon-calon lain; he was confident his daughter would be able to ~ them all, dia yakin anaknya dapat menunjukkan persembahan yg lebih cemerlang drpd persembahan mereka or dapat bermain dgn lebih cemerlang drpd mereka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extra | adv 1. more than usual, especially, lebih drpd biasa: this is ~ fine quality paper, mutu kertas ini lebih baik drpd biasa; he bought an ~ large saucepan, dia membeli periuk yg besarnya lebih drpd biasa; we arrived ~ late for work, kami tiba di pejabat lebih lewat drpd biasa; he is ~ generous today, dia lebih murah hati drpd biasa hari ini; 2. more than the normal amount, lebih: you must pay ~ for a private bathroom, kamu mesti membayar lebih utk mendapat bilik air persendirian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
outlast | vt 1. last longer than, tahan lebih lama drpd: this car will ~ other more expensive ones, kereta ini akan tahan lebih lama drpd kereta lain yg lebih mahal; 2. outlive, hidup lebih lama: his wife ~ed him, isterinya hidup lebih lama daripadanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |