browse | n meragut + approp n: cattle out for a ~, lembu-lembu yg keluar utk meragut rumput; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corral | vt confine in corral, mengandangkan: the cattle were ~led for the night, lembu-lembu itu dikandangkan pd sebelah malam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forage | vi (of animal) mencari makanan: the cattle were foraging in the undergrowth, lembu-lembu itu mencari makan di kawasan semak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
field | n 1. open tract of grassland, padang: cows grazing in the ~s, lembu-lembu yg meragut rumput di padang; 2. cultivated tract of land, ladang; (irrigated) sawah, bendang: ~s of wheat ripening under the sun, ladang-ladang gandum yg menguning disinari cahaya matahari; 3. wide expanse covered with substance named, medan, padang: the ice ~s around the North Pole, padang ais di sekitar Kutub Utara; lava ~, medan lava; 4. area rich in named resource, medan: the opal ~s of South Australia, medan baiduri Australia Selatan; gas ~s, medan gas; 5. area cleared and marked for purposes, padang: a football ~, padang bola sepak; a landing ~, padang mendarat; training ~, padang latihan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flat1 | n 1. level surface of land, tanah /pamah, datar/: the cattle are grazing on the ~s, lembu-lembu itu sedang meragut rumput di tanah datar; 2. flat surface or part, bahagian bilah [n] yg rata; (of oar) bilah; (of hand) tapak: the ~ of a sword, bahagian bilah pedang yg rata; 3. deflated tyre, tayar /pancit, kempis/; (due to low pressure) tayar kempis; 4. (mus) not flet; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
collect | vi 1. gather together, berkumpul: a crowd ~ed in small groups around the arena, orang ramai berkumpul berkelompok-kelompok di keliling arena itu; cows ~ing outside a milking shed, lembu-lembu yg berkumpul di luar bangsal perah susu; 2. accumulate, a. (of dust, leaves, etc) terkumpul: dust ~ed on the ledge, habuk terkumpul di atas belebas; b. (of water) terkumpul; (in stagnant state) bertakung: water from three rivers ~s in the dam, air dr tiga buah sungai terkumpul di empangan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cattle | n lembu; beef ~, lembu daging; dairy ~, lembu susu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crowd | ~ into, bersesak-sesak masuk ke dlm: hundreds of people ~ed into the hall, ratusan orang bersesak-sesak masuk ke dlm dewan; ~ st into, mengasak [sst] ke dlm: they ~ed the cows into a small lorry, mereka mengasak lembu-lembu itu ke dlm sebuah lori yg kecil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grazier | n penternak /lembu, biri-biri, lembu dan biri-biri [as appropriate]/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fat | adj 1. excessively plump, gemuk, tambun, gedempol; (of animal) gemuk, tambun; (of cheek) tembam, montel; (of stomach) buncit; (of fingers) gemuk, tembam, montok: a ~ man, orang gemuk; the cattle are not ~ enough, lembu-lembu itu tdk cukup gemuk; ~ fingers, jari-jari gemuk; 2. containing much fat, banyak lemak: ~ mutton, daging kambing yg banyak lemak; 3. thick, substantial and well-filled, a. tebal: a ~ volume, jilid buku yg tebal; b. (fig.), [various translations]: he has a ~ bank account, dia mempunyai wang yg banyak di bank; a ~ wallet, dompet yg kembung dgn wang; a ~ larder, almari makanan yg penuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |