full | c. (of information, evidence, etc) lengkap: we need ~er information, kita memerlukan maklumat yg lebih lengkap; d. (of board, committee, etc) lengkap: a meeting of the ~ committee, mesyuarat jawatankuasa lengkap; 5. rounded, plump, (of figure) montok; (of face, breasts) montok, penuh; (of lips) penuh; 6. (of clothes) a. of ample cut, kembang: a ~ skirt, skirt kembang; the ~ sleeves are gathered into cuffs, lengan kembang itu dikedutkan menjadi manset; b. loose, longgar; 7. (of sails etc) distended by wind, terkembang: under ~ sail, dgn layar terkembang; 8. (of voice, sound) deep, dalam; 9. (of moon) purnama, penuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
complete | adj 1. having or containing all the necessary parts, lengkap, sempurna: is your set ~?, adakah peranggu kamu lengkap?; a kitchen ~ with modern gadgets, dapur yg lengkap dgn peralatan moden; 2. finished, siap, selesai: his work is not yet ~, kerjanya belum siap lagi; 3. thorough, absolute, benar-benar, betul-betul: I am in ~ sympathy with him, saya benar-benar bersimpati terhadapnya; the project was a ~ failure, projek itu benar-benar gagal; 4. entire, seluruh: we were asked to design a ~ township, kami diminta mereka bentuk seluruh bandar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incomplete | adj 1. not entire, imperfect, tdk /lengkap, sempurna/: his nowledge of the subject is ~, pengetahuannya ttg perkara itu tdk lengkap; the collection is still ~, koleksi itu masih belum lengkap; 2. unfinished, belum siap; (of work) belum /siap, selesai/: the picture was ~ when we saw it, lukisan itu belum siap ketika kami melihatnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exhaustive | adj comprehensive, menyeluruh, lengkap: an ~ investigation failed to reveal the cause of the crash, siasatan yg menyeluruh gagal mendedahkan sebab berlakunya nahas itu; this list is not ~, senarai ini tdk lengkap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
full dress | n pakaian lengkap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
finishing school | n sekolah seni lengkap diri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dress rehearsal | n 1. (of theatrical presentation etc) latihan lengkap; 2. full-scale practice, raptai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entire | adj 1. whole, seluruh; (of a set of st) lengkap; (of period of time) seluruh, sepanjang: the ~ city was destroyed in the earthquake, seluruh bandar raya itu musnah dlm gempa bumi tersebut; these new developments have changed the ~ situation, perkembangan-perkembangan baru ini telah mengubah seluruh keadaan; the ~ governing mechanism is corrupt, seluruh mekanisma kerajaan itu korup; she spent the ~ time in the garden, dia menghabiskan seluruh waktu itu di taman; the ~ day, sehari suntuk, seharian: we took the ~ day to repair the engine, kami mengambil masa sehari suntuk utk membaiki enjin itu; 2. total, sepenuhnya: they seemed to be in ~ agreement with us, nampaknya mereka bersetuju sepenuhnya dgn kita. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
imperfect | adj 1. not perfect, tdk sempurna; (when emphasizing the incomplete state of st) tdk /lengkap, sempurna/: he has only an ~ knowledge of the subject, dia hanya mempunyai pengetahuan yg tdk sempurna ttg perkara itu; 2. (ling) tak sempurna: ~ tense, ala tak sempurna; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
imperfection | n 1. state of being imperfect, ketidaksempurnaan, tdk sempurna; (when emphasizing the incomplete state of st) tdk /lengkap, sempurna/, ketidaksempurnaan: the ~ of man must be accepted, hakikat bahawa manusia tdk sempurna mestilah diakui; 2. blemish, fault, kekurangan; (in appearance, form) cacat: she loved him in spite of his ~s, dia mencintai lelaki itu walaupun lelaki itu banyak kekurangannya; there are a number of ~s in the cloth, kain itu cacat pd beberapa tempat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |