Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[lif] | ليف

Definisi : alat utk membawa orang atau barang dr satu tingkat ke satu tingkat lain, terutamanya di bangunan yg tinggi. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[lif] | ليف

Definisi : alat yg digunakan utk membawa orang dll turun naik di bangunan-bangunan yg tinggi. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata lif

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

admit4. accomodate, muat utk: the lift ~s 8 persons, lif itu muat 8 orang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
elevatorn 1. machine for hoisting, mesin /pengangkat, penaik/; 2. large granary, gudang bijirin; 3. (US) lift, lif.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
extendvi 1. stretch, terbentang, luasnya; (of road, carpet, etc) panjangnya: his property ~s for miles, tanahnya terbentang berbatu-batu; the red carpet ~s right up to the lift, permaidani merah itu panjangnya sampai ke lif; 2. protrude, menganjur: the headland ~s from the coast into the sea, tanjung tinggi itu menganjur dr pantai ke laut; 3. last, berlarutan, berlanjutan: the dry season had ~ed right into May, musim kering telah berlanjutan hingga ke bulan Mei; 4. include or affect, menjangkau: his fame ~s far beyond his own country, kemasyhurannya menjangkau ke luar negaranya sendiri;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
grindvi 1. crush, mengisar: the new gadget ~s well, mesin baru itu mengisar dgn baik; 2. (of machine) berkeriut: from a distance you could hear the old lift ~ing, dr jauh, kita dapat mendengar lif lama itu berkeriut;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
freevt 1. a. release, liberate, membebaskan, melepaskan; (slave) memerdekakan, membebaskan: he ~d the trapped animal, dia melepaskan binatang yg terperangkap itu; after three hours, fifteen people were ~d from the broken-down lift, selepas tiga jam, lima belas orang dilepaskan dr lif yg rosak itu; to ~ the economy from central planning, membebaskan ekonomi dr perancangan pusat; I was ~d from fifty per cent of my administrative duties, saya dilepaskan drpd lima puluh peratus tugas pentadbiran saya; she could not ~ herself from anxiety, dia tdk dapat melepaskan dirinya dr kebimbangan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
breakunder the eroding action of the water, the rocks gradually ~ down and the resultant silt is carried downstream, akibat hakisan air, lama kelamaan batu-batu itu luluh dan kelodak yg terjadi daripadanya mengalir ke muara; c. (of machine, car, etc) become inoperative, rosak: two of the eight lifts broke down, dua drpd lapan lif itu rosak; d. be severed, terputus: the electricity supply broke down, bekalan elektrik terputus; communications with the capital have broken down, perhubungan dgn ibu negara telah terputus;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
accommodatevt 1. adjust, adapt, menyesuaikan: to ~ o’s views to those of o’s colleagues, menyesuaikan pandangan sso dgn pandangan rakan sejawat; to ~ os to new circumstances, menyesuaikan diri (sso) dgn keadaan baru; 2. a. provide (guest) esp with lodging, memberikan penginapan kpd: the hotel can ~ all the participants, hotel itu dapat memberikan penginapan kpd semua peserta; b. put into ( room(s) etc) menempatkan: the inmates are ~d in clean rooms, penghuni-penghuni itu ditempatkan di bilik-bilik yg bersih; 3. have space for, muat: a lift that can ~ twelve people, lif yg muat dua belas orang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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