art | 6. field using techniques of art, seni: advertising ~, seni pengiklanan; industrial ~, seni perusahaan; ~ theatre, panggung seni; ~ lyric, lirik seni; ~ linen, linen seni; ~ furniture, perabot seni; 7. (journ) kerja seni; 8. method, knack, cara: the ~ of tying a scarf, cara mengikat selendang; the ~ of saying the right thing, cara mengeluarkan kata-kata yg kena pd tempatnya; 9. principles, methods governing an activity, cara, kaedah: the ~ of war, cara berperang; the ~ of government, cara memerintah; the ~ of building, cara membina bangunan; 10. artfulness, kelicikan; 11. (in pl) creative, non-scientific branches of knowledge, (bidang) sastera: literature and philosophy are among the ~s, kesusasteraan dan falsafah adalah antara bidang sastera; Bachelor of A~s, Sarjana Muda Sastera; an ~s degree, ijazah sastera; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bed-linen | n linen tempat tidur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blanch | vt 1. whiten, memutihkan: to ~ linen in the sun, memutihkan linen dlm panas matahari; 2. make pale, menyebabkan [muka] (menjadi) pucat: illness has ~ed her face, penyakit telah menyebabkan mukanya menjadi pucat; 3. scald, mencelur: to ~ almonds, mencelur badam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bleach | vt melunturkan, memutihkan; (hair) memutihkan: she normally ~es her linen, biasanya dia melunturkan linennya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impeccable | adj tiada cacat cela, sungguh baik; (of clothes, appearance, etc) kemas dan rapi: her manners are ~, kelakuannya tiada cacat cela; his record has always been ~, rekodnya sungguh baik; to look ~ in a white linen suit, kelihatan kemas dan rapi dgn berpakaian sut linen putih. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
douse | vt 1. throw (liquid) over, drench, menyimbah: she ~d her face with cold water, dia menyimbah mukanya dgn air sejuk; 2. immerse in water, merendam: the linen should be ~d in disinfectant, kain linen itu patut direndam dlm bahan penyahjangkit; 3. extinguish, memadamkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
breadth | n 1. measurement from side to side, a. (gen) lebar: to measure the ~ of the table, mengukur lebar meja; what is the ~ of the room?, berapakah lebar bilik ini?; b. (of road, river, bridge, etc) lebar, buka, luas; c. (of cloth, mat, carpet, etc) lebar, bidang, buka: a piece of linen 36 inches in~, kain linen yg bidangnya 36 inci; 2. piece of cloth etc of full width, bidang: a ~ of silk, sebidang kain sutera; 3. range, scope, keluasan, luas: the ~ of his knowledge, keluasan pengetahuannya; 4. liberality (of views etc) keluasan, luas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boil2 | vt 1. cause to boil, mendidihkan; (for drinking) memasak: ~ two cups of water, didihkanlah dua cawan air; drinking water must be ~ed, air minum mesti dimasak; 2. cook or sterilize in boiling liquid, merebus: I ~ed the meat for 3 hours, saya merebus daging itu selama 3 jam; this bed-linen must be ~ed, cadar ini mesti direbus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |