ice-cap | n litupan /ais, air batu/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cover | under a ~ of leaves, di bawah litupan daun-daun; 2. table setting, ruang hidang: ~s were laid for six guests, ruang hidang disediakan utk enam orang tamu; 3. envelope, sampul surat: first-day ~, sampul surat hari pertama; 4. insurance, insurans: to obtain adequate ~ on the house, mengambil insurans yg cukup utk rumah itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cap | n 1. headgear, kep: school ~, kep sekolah; ~ and gown, kep dan jubah; 2. lid, tutup: bottle ~ , tutup botol; lens ~, tutup kanta; 3. mushroom top, payung; 4. (geog) litupan: ice ~, litupan ais; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
carpet | n 1. thick fabric covering for floor, hamparan, permaidani: wall-to-wall ~, hamparan dr dinding ke dinding; 2. rug, permaidani, ambal, hamparan; 3. covering (of leaves etc) hamparan, litupan: hidden under a ~ of dead leaves, tersorok di bawah hamparan daun-daun kering; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blanket | adj menyeluruh: a ~ agreement, perjanjian yg menyeluruh; ~ instructions, arahan-arahan yg menyeluruh; a ~ insurance policy, polisi insurans yg menyeluruh; n 1. bed-covering, selimut, gebar; 2. covering layer, liputan, litupan: a ~ of snow, liputan salji; a ~ of leaves, liputan daun-daunan; 3. st that covers or encloses, yg /menyelubungi, mengelubungi/ sst: a ~ of gloom, kemuraman yg menyelubungi suasana; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cover | n 1. something that overlays, conceals, a. (gen) penutup: a plastic sheet was used as a ~ for the table, sehelai plastik digunakan sbg penutup meja itu; b. lid, tutup, tudung: a box ~, tutup kotak; c. (of book) kulit; d. (of chair, cushion, etc) sarung: we need new chair ~s, kami memerlukan sarung kerusi baru; e. (bed) tutup tilam; f. (vegetation, snow, etc) litupan: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |