extraordinary | adj 1. not ordinary, exceptional, /i> luar biasa: a woman of ~ beauty, wanita yg luar biasa cantiknya; his talent for music is ~, bakat muziknya luar biasa; 2. strange, remarkable, luar biasa: she wears ~ clothes, pakaiannya luar biasa; his behaviour was most ~, kelakuannya luar biasa sekali; 3. out of the usual course, luar biasa: an ~ meeting was held following the arrest of two of the company’s directors, satu mesyuarat tergempar diadakan berikutan penangkapan dua drpd pengarah syarikat itu; 4. (fml) employed for particular events, purposes, dgn tugas khas: ambassador ~, duta dgn tugas khas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
external | adj 1. of or for the outside, luar(an): this ointment is for ~ use only, salap ini adalah utk kegunaan luar sahaja; he suffered ~ injuries, dia mengalami kecederaan luaran; 2. coming, acting from without, (dr) luar; (of examiner, auditor, student) luar: ~ intervention may worsen the situation, campur tangan dr luar mungkin memburukkan situasi itu lagi; they were merely responding to ~ pressure, mereka hanya bereaksi thdp tekanan dr luar; 3. involving foreign countries, luar negeri: ~ debt, hutang luar negeri; the Department of E~ Affairs, Jabatan Hal-Ehwal Luar Negeri; 4. growing on or attached to the outside, luaran: ~ gills, insang luaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beyond | 3. outside a. (the limit, range of) di luar: ~ o’s endurance, di luar kesabaran sso; to live ~ o’s means, hidup di luar kemampuan sso; ~ o’s jurisdiction, di luar bidang kuasa sso; ~ o’s expectations, di luar dugaan sso; b. (the possibility of) tdk dapat: ~ repair, tdk dapat dibaiki; ~ recovery, tdk dapat disembuhkan; ~ all doubt, tdk dapat diragui lagi; 4. surpassing, melebihi, mengatasi: ~ all praise, melebihi segala pujian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extraordinarily | adv 1. exceptionally, luar biasa: an ~ talented girl, kanak-kanak perempuan yg luar biasa bakatnya; 2. strangely, luar biasa: he has been acting ~, dia berkelakuan luar biasa; 3. more than usually, terlalu: she took an ~ long time to do her hair, dia mengambil masa yg terlalu lama utk mendandan rambutnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extramural | adj luar: ~ studies, pengajian luar; ~ activities, kegiatan luar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exterior | adj luar: the ~ walls are white, dinding luar itu berwarna putih; the ~ paintwork, cat luar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exceptional | adj luar biasa: the architect’s design is quite ~, reka bentuk jurubina itu luar biasa; an ~ musician, pemuzik yg luar biasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contingency | n kontingensi, hal luar jangka; (attrib) kontingensi, luar jangka: to be prepared for any ~, bersedia utk menghadapi sebarang kontigensi; ~ plan, rancangan luar jangka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
abroad | adv 1. in another country, di luar negeri; 2. to another country, ke luar negeri; 3. (archaic) out of doors, di luar rumah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foreign | adj 1. not native, asing: ~ accent, telor asing; ~ students, pelajar-pelajar asing; 2. involving another country, luar negeri, asing: ~ trade, perdagangan luar negeri; ~ income, pendapatan asing; 3. dealing with other countries, luar negeri: ~ relations, hubungan luar negeri; Ministry of F~ Affairs , Kementerian Luar Negeri; ~ policy, dasar luar (negeri); 4. not natural (to so., st) asing: this grade of coal contains a lot of ~ matter, batu arang gred ini banyak mengandungi unsur asing; such a violent reaction was very ~ to him, reaksi yg begitu ganas sangat asing bagi dia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |