Maklumat Kata

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luas (adjektif)
1. Bersinonim dengan lapang: lebar, besar, lawas, selesa,

2. Bersinonim dengan lebar: besarnya

3. Dalam konteks kiasan
bersinonim dengan terbuka fikiran, mendalam,

2. Bersinonim dengan tidak terbatas: lantang, saujana,

Kata Terbitan : meluas, meluaskan, keluasan, peluasan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

immensityn 1. vastness, luasnya, luas (terbentang): the aeroplane became a dot in the ~ of the blue, kapal terbang itu menjadi satu titik di langit yg luas terbentang; 2. greatness of scope, /amat, sangat/ besar; (of concept etc), /amat, sangat/ luas: the ~ of the problem did not daunt them, masalah yg amat besar itu tdk menggentarkan mereka; due to the ~ of the task given him..., oleh sebab kerja yg diberikan kepadanya amat besar...; 3. st immense, [various translations]: the ~ we call space, kawasan luas yg disebut ruang angkasa; a speck in the blue ~, satu titik di langit yg luas terbentang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
far-flungadj 1. widely distributed, spread, luas sekali: ~ trade connections, perhubungan perdagangan yg luas sekali; the ~ British Empire, Empayar British yg luas sekali; 2. remote, terpencil.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
arean 1. surface measure, luas(nya): the ~ of the room is 7 metres by 5 metres, luas bilik itu ialah 7 meter kali 5 meter; the ~ of a cone, luas kon; 2. section, part, bahagian: ~s of the brain, bahagian-bahagian otak; only certain ~s of the house are affected by dry rot, hanya pd bahagian-bahagian tertentu saja rumah itu terkena reput kering; 3. region, kawasan: a swampy ~, kawasan berpaya; the ~ around the city, kawasan di sekeliling bandar raya; ~ manager, pengurus kawasan; 4. ground set aside for specif purpose, tempat: parking ~, tempat letak kereta; picnic ~, tempat berkelah; 5. section of town, city having specif purpose, kawasan: residential ~, kawasan kediaman; commercial ~, kawasan perdagangan; shopping ~, kawasan beli-belah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
broadadj 1. wide, lebar: a ~ avenue, lebuh yg lebar; he gave her a ~ grin, dia tersenyum lebar kpd gadis itu; a ~ -shouldered man, lelaki yg berbahu lebar; 2. in breadth, lebar, lebarnya: the table is one meter ~, lebar meja itu satu meter or meja itu satu meter lebarnya; 3. of large extent, luas (terbentang), terbentang luas: they sailed the ~ seas, mereka belayar di laut yg luas terbentang; the ~ plains, dataran yg luas terbentang; 4. extensive in range, scope, luas: a man of ~ interests, lelaki yg luas minatnya; 5. liberal, luas: a ~ interpretation of the law, tafsiran undang-undang yg luas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
extensiveadj 1. covering a large area, luas; (of rash) merebak; (of burns) teruk: there are ~ areas of desert in this country, terdapat kawasan gurun yg luas di negara ini; as the rash was not ~, we did not take him to see a doctor, disebabkan ruam tdk merebak kami tdk membawanya berjumpa doktor; the child has ~ burns, kanak-kanak itu mengalami luka kebakaran yg teruk;2. a. large in amount, banyak: ~ repairs were carried out to restore the old mill to full working order, kerja-kerja pembaikan yg banyak dijalankan utk membaik pulih kilang itu supaya dapat berjalan dgn lancar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
currencyn 1. money as medium of exchange, mata wang: foreign ~, mata wang asing; the yen is the unit of ~ in Japan, yen ialah unit mata wang Jepun; 2. state of being in wide circulation, tersebar luas; (of word, expression) meluasnya penggunaan: his ideas which once had ~ are now rejected by the younger generation, idea-ideanya yg pd suatu masa dulu tersebar luas sekarang ditolak oleh generasi muda; gain ~, semakin tersebar luas; (of word, expression) semakin meluas penggunaannya: the story soon gained ~, tdk lama kemudian, cerita itu semakin tersebar luas.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
extentn 1. range over which st extends, takat: the ~ of his scientific knowledge, takat pengetahuan saintifiknya; the ~ of the damage, takat kerosakan; 2. area, terbentang luas: a vast ~ of padi fields, sawah padi yg terbentang luas; in ~, panjangnya: the track is 7 km. in ~, balapan itu 7 km panjangnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
breadthn 1. measurement from side to side, a. (gen) lebar: to measure the ~ of the table, mengukur lebar meja; what is the ~ of the room?, berapakah lebar bilik ini?; b. (of road, river, bridge, etc) lebar, buka, luas; c. (of cloth, mat, carpet, etc) lebar, bidang, buka: a piece of linen 36 inches in~, kain linen yg bidangnya 36 inci; 2. piece of cloth etc of full width, bidang: a ~ of silk, sebidang kain sutera; 3. range, scope, keluasan, luas: the ~ of his knowledge, keluasan pengetahuannya; 4. liberality (of views etc) keluasan, luas.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ampleadj 1. more than adequate, lebih drpd cukup: there is ~ room for everyone, terdapat ruang yg lebih drpd cukup utk semua orang; to provide ~ opportunity for promotion, mengadakan peluang yg lebih drpd cukup utk kenaikan pangkat; 2. large, extensive, besar, luas: an ~ dining room, bilik makan yg besar; the house has an ~ garden, rumah itu mempunyai taman yg luas; 3. (euphem) stout, buxom, gempal; (of bust) montok, subur: the woman had an ~ figure, wanita itu berbadan gempal.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
chasmn 1. gegaung, jurang: a wide ~ across the plateau, jurang yg luas di dataran itu; 2. (fig.) jurang perbezaan: a ~ between East and West, jurang perbezaan antara Timur dan Barat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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