bawdy | adj /lucah, cabul/ serta lucu: ~ stories, cerita-cerita yg lucah serta lucu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
girlie | adj (derog) lucah: a ~ magazine, majalah lucah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indecency | n 1. state, quality of being indecent, kecabulan, kelucahan, cabul, lucah; (of dress) ketidaksopanan, tdk /sopan, senonoh/: the ~ of the remark embarrassed her, kecabulan kata-katanya membuat gadis itu berasa malu; it was an act of gross ~, itu perbuatan yg sangat cabul; 2. indecent word, action, gesture, etc, /kata-kata, perbuatan, gerak isyarat, dsb/ yg /cabul, lucah/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Immoral | adj 1. not moral, tdk bermoral; (of person) tdk /bermoral, berakhlak/: an ~ act, perbuatan yg tdk bermoral; he is a thoroughly ~ man, dia lelaki yg betul-betul tdk bermoral; 2. sexually improper, lucah; (of earnings) haram: the screening of ~ films, tayangan filem lucah; he made an ~ suggestion to the girl, dia membuat cadangan lucah pd gadis itu; they were accused of using the house for ~ purposes, mereka dituduh menggunakan rumah itu utk kegiatan lucah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indecent exposure | n pendedahan lucah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indecent | adj 1. obscene, cabul, lucah; (of dress) tdk /senonoh, sopan/: ~ jokes, jenaka yg cabul; ~ behaviour, kelakuan yg cabul; her dress is positively ~, pakaiannya sungguh tdk senonoh; 2. (colloq) improper, tdk patut: we were paid ~ wages, kami dibayar upah yg tdk patut; leave (wedding etc) in ~ haste, meninggalkan (majlis perkahwinan dsb) terlalu awal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
borderline | adj pinggiran; (of joke etc) hampir-hampir lucah: a ~ case, kes pinggiran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guffaw | vi ketawa /terbahak-bahak, berdekah-dekah/: he ~ed at the dirty jokes, dia ketawa terbahak-bahak mendengar jenaka lucah itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dirty | adj 1. unclean, kotor: his ~ clothes, pakaiannya yg kotor; 2. likely to defile with dirt, mengotorkan: repairing cars is a ~ job, membaiki kereta merupakan pekerjaan yg mengotorkan; 3. obscene, lucah, kotor: a ~ joke, jenaka yg lucah; 4. (colloq) mean, sordid, keji, hina: that was a ~ thing to do, itu satu perbuatan yg keji; his accomplice did the ~ work, konconya melakukan kerja-kerja keji itu; do the ~ on so., menganiaya sso; 5. ill-gotten, haram: ~ money, wang haram; 6. expressing anger, marah: a ~ look, pandangan marah; 7. rough, stormy, bercuaca buruk: a ~ night, malam yg bercuaca buruk; 8. (of colour) kotor: a ~ green, warna hijau kotor; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ out with, say, speak (the truth, st shocking, etc) mengeluarkan: he came out with a string of obscenities, dia mengeluarkan kata-kata lucah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |