battered | adj 1. bruised (as if) by blows, luka-luka dan lebam-lebam; (of skull) pecah-pecah: the nurse bathes his ~ body, jururawat itu memandikan badannya yg luka-luka dan lebam-lebam; 2. disfigured, damaged by blows, hard usage, etc, a. (of face) cacat: the ~ face of the old boxer broke into a broad smile, petinju tua yg mukanya cacat itu tersenyum lebar; b. (of st made of metal) kemik-kemik: a ~ aluminium teapot, teko aluminium yg kemik-kemik; a ~ old truck, trak lama yg kemik-kemik; c. (of st that can be shattered, broken) rosak, kopak-kapik; (of ship) pecah-pecah dan kopak-kapik: a room full of ~ furniture, bilik yg penuh dgn perabot yg rosak; the once proud ship was a ~ wreck, kapal yg dahulunya menjadi kemegahan, sekarang telah pecah-pecah dan kopak-kapik; d. (of st made of soft, flexible material) renyuk-renyuk: a ~ songkok, songkok yg renyuk-renyuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
doctor | vt 1. (colloq) treat medically, merawat: to ~ os, merawat diri sendiri; she ~ed the child’s wounds, dia merawat luka-luka budak itu; 2. (colloq & derog) adulterate with st, mencampurkan sst ke dlm: someone had ~ed his drink, ada orang yg telah mencampurkan sst ke dlm minumannya; 3. (derog) falsify, memalsukan: the firm’s accounts had been ~ed, akaun firma itu telah dipalsukan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hurt | n 1. physical injury, kecederaan; 2. damage to feelings, luka hati, hati yg luka: nothing could ease the ~ he felt, tiada apa yg dapat mengubat luka hatinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bash | ~ st in, (colloq) a. beat st inwards, memecahkan sst: it took him five minutes to ~ the door in, dia mengambil masa lima minit utk memecahkan pintu itu; b. wound so’s face etc by smashing it, menghentam muka sso dll sehingga luka-luka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lacerated | adj (fig.) luka: her words soothed his ~ feelings, kata-kata wanita itu menenangkan hatinya yg luka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | vt 1. wound, melukai; (accidentally) luka: mind the sharp glass or you’ll ~ your hand, hati-hati dgn kaca yg tajam itu, nanti tangan kamu luka; the handcuffs ~ his wrists, gari itu melukai pergelangan tangannya; he ~ himself while shaving, dia luka sewaktu bercukur; 2. separate into parts a. (gen) memotong, mengerat: to ~ the wires with a pair of pliers, memotong wayar dgn playar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | n 1. gash, wound, luka: there was a deep ~ in her leg, terdapat luka yg dalam di kakinya; 2. piece cut off, potong: a prime ~ of beef, sepotong daging lembu yg terpilih; 3. act of removing a part, pemotongan; (in surgery) pembedahan: one can make a clean ~ if the knife is sharp, kita boleh membuat pemotongan yg kemas jika pisau yg digunakan itu tajam; several ~s must be made before the film is screened, beberapa pemotongan hendaklah dibuat sebelum filem itu ditayangkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gash | n deep, open slash or wound, luka dalam; (on bark of tree) torehan, turisan: a long ~ down his leg, luka dalam yg memanjang di kakinya; there are many ~es on the bark of the tree, terdapat banyak torehan pd kulit pokok itu; make a ~ in st, /menoreh, menuris/ sst; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | adj 1. gashed, wounded, luka: blood dripped from his ~ finger, darah keluar dr jari yg luka; 2. separated by an edged instrument, a. (gen), (sudah) /dipotong, dikerat/: ~ metal, logam yg sudah dipotong; b. (lengthwise), (sudah) dibelah: ~ firewood, kayu api yg sudah dibelah; c. (into slices), (sudah) dihiris: thinly ~ brown bread, roti perang yg dihiris nipis; d. (with scissors), (sudah) /digunting, dipotong/: ~ material, kain yg sudah digunting; e. (with saw), (sudah) digergaji; f. (with axe), (sudah) dikapak; 3. felled, (sudah) ditebang: ~ timber, balak yg sudah ditebang; 4. pruned, (sudah) /dipangkas, dicantas/; 5. reduced, (sudah) /dikurangkan, diturunkan, dipotong/: these goods are sold at ~ price, barang-barang ini dijual dgn harga yg sudah dikurangkan; 6. castrated, kasi, kembiri: a ~ horse, kuda kasi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lacerate | vt (lit. & fig.), (act.) melukai; (pass.) luka; (tech) melaserat: his hands were badly ~d by the thorns, tangannya luka teruk terkena duri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |