dead | dead-(and-)alive adj 1. (of place); 2. (of manner), /mahu tak mahu, hendak tak hendak/ sahaja: to go about o’s work in a ~ manner, membuat kerja secara mahu tak mahu sahaja; 3. (of person) tdk bersemangat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amenable | adj 1. always ~ to, responsive, mahu + approp v: he is not ~ to discipline, dia tdk mahu mengikut disiplin; a man who is ~ to advice, orang yg mahu mendengar nasihat; 2. willing to yield, submit, mahu mengalah: he found his future wife ~, dia mendapati bakal isterinya mahu mengalah; 3. always ~ to, answerable, responsible, bertanggungjawab: ~ to the law, bertanggungjawab thdp undang-undang; 4. able to withstand testing, tahan uji: the results were ~ to scientific laws, kesimpulan-kesimpulan itu tahan uji menurut hukum-hukum sains. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inclined | /be, feel/ so ~, mahu: you can give up your job, if you feel so ~, kamu boleh berhenti kerja, jika itu yg kamu mahu; feel ~, hendak, mahu: I felt ~ to say “no” at first, mula-mulanya, saya hendak mengatakan “tidak”; do you feel ~ to go for a walk?, kamu mahu pergi berjalan-jalan?. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amenability | n 1. always ~ to, responsiveness, sifat [sso] yg mahu + approp v: his ~ to reason, sifatnya yg mahu menerima alasan; 2. willingness to yield, submissiveness, sifat [sso] yg mahu mengalah; 3. usu ~ to, answerableness, tanggungjawab: ~ to justice, tanggungjawab thdp sistem keadilan; 4. ability to withstand testing, tahan uji: the ~ of the discovery to the usual test, penemuan itu tahan uji menurut ujian-ujian yg lazim. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incurious | adj tdk mahu ambil tahu; (attrib) acuh tak acuh: he was completely ~ about my reasons for wanting to leave the company, dia tdk mahu ambil tahu mengapa saya hendak meninggalkan syarikat itu; she gave them an ~ glance, dia memandang mereka acuh tak acuh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forthcoming | 3. (colloq) communicative, mahu menolong: the telephone operator was not very ~, operator telefon itu tdk begitu mahu menolong; be ~ about st, bersedia /bercakap, bercerita/ ttg, bersedia menceritakan: I wish he’d be more ~ about his future plans, alangkah baiknya kalau dia lebih bersedia utk bercakap ttg rancangan masa depannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
count 1 | ~ os in, sso mahu ikut serta: if you’re getting the newly-weds a present, ~ me in, jika kamu hendak membelikan pasangan pengantin baru itu hadiah, saya mahu ikut serta; ~ so. in, mengikutsertakan sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
count 1 | ~ os out, sso tdk mahu ikut serta: if you’re going to that overcrowed discotheque, ~ me out, jika kamu hendak ke disko yg penuh sesak itu, saya tdk mahu ikut serta; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
after | b. (st) mengejar, memburu; (when object is not specified) mahu akan: the hounds were ~ the fox, anjing-anjing pemburu itu mengejar rubah; wealth and power are what he is ~, yg dikejarnya ialah kekayaan dan kekuasaan; they are both ~ the same thing, mereka berdua mahu akan benda yg sama; 6. concerning, tentang: to ask ~ so’s health, bertanya tentang kesihatan sso; she enquired ~ you, dia bertanya tentang kamu; 7. subsequent to, berikutan, selepas: ~ what she has done, I refuse to help her, berikutan perbuatan itu, saya tdk mahu menolongnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
efface | ~ os, tdk mahu menonjolkan diri sso langsung; ~ st from so’s mind, /meluputkan, melenyapkan/ sst drpd ingatan sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |