act | 5. behave, berkelakuan: he has been ~ing rather peculiarly lately, dia berkelakuan agak ganjil akhir-akhir ini; to ~ like an idiot, berkelakuan spt orang bodoh; how to ~, mengatur laku, menjaga tingkah laku: the young ladies were taught how to ~ at formal parties, gadis-gadis itu diajar ttg cara-cara mengatur laku di majlis rasmi; 6. pretend, berpura-pura: she’s only ~ing, dia berpura-pura sahaja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
de rigueur | adj harus + approp v: formal dress is ~ at the reception, pakaian rasmi harus dipakai di majlis itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
formal | adj 1. following accepted rules, customs or conventions, formal, rasmi; (of word) formal: a ~ dinner, majlis makan malam formal; she wore ~ dress to the ceremony, dia memakai pakaian formal ke upacara itu; he is always very ~, even with his children, dia sentiasa sangat formal, walaupun dgn anak-anaknya; “pursue” is a ~ way of saying “chase”, “pursue” ialah kata yg formal utk “chase”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
informality | n 1. quality of being not formal, tdk rasmi; 2. quality of being casual, a. (of social occasion) informal: there was a happy ~ about the occasion, majlis itu nampaknya informal saja dan meriah; b. (of behaviour) sikap bersahaja: they were suprised by his ~, mereka hairan dgn sikapnya yg bersahaja itu; c. (of greeting etc) bersahaja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |