fizzle | ~ out, (colloq), [various translations]: the play was exciting in the beginning but eventually ~d out, pd mulanya drama itu menyeronokkan tetapi makin lama makin hambar; interest in the new car soon ~d out, minat pd kereta baru itu tdk lama kemudian hilang begitu sahaja; their relationship which started passionately ~d out once the novelty wore off, hubungan mereka yg pd mulanya penuh berahi lama kelamaan mati apabila kemanisannya hilang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
build | ~ up, grow, develop etc in size, amount or quantity, strength, intensity etc, a. (of clouds, dust) makin membangun; b. (of amount of money, savings) makin bertambah, menjadi bertambah banyak; c. (of troops), (menjadi) makin besar dan /kukuh, kuat/; d. (of traffic) makin /berjejal-jejal, sesak/; e. (of pressure) makin /bertambah, meningkat/; f. (of hope), (menjadi) makin meningkat; g. (of tension, excitement, etc) makin meningkat; ~ st up, a. (establish and) develop business, empire, etc, see vt (sense 4.); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flow | 7. past, progress, berlalu: as the weeks ~ed by his chances of recovery became increasingly slight, makin minggu-minggu itu berlalu makin kecil peluangnya utk sembuh; generations of students ~ed in and out of her life almost unnoticed, angkatan mahasiswa berlalu keluar masuk dlm hidupnya hampir tanpa disedari; 8. hang freely, loosely, mengurai, berjurai: her dark hair ~ed over her shoulders, rambutnya yg hitam mengurai melepasi bahunya; 9. abound in, melimpah-ruah: he came from a family ~ing with love and affection, dia datang dr keluarga yg melimpah-ruah dgn cinta dan kasih sayang; a land ~ing with natural resources, bumi yg melimpah-ruah dgn sumber semula jadi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
buildup | n 1. progressive increase in size etc, a. (of clouds, dust) makin membangun; b. (of troops) pembesaran; c. (of traffic) makin /berjejal-jejal, sesak/; d. (of pressure) bertambahnya, meningkatnya; e. (of steam, heat) bertambahnya: the ~ of heat in the engine, bertambahnya haba dlm enjin itu; f. (of weapons etc) pertambahan, bertambahnya; g. (of tension, excitement, etc) meningkatnya; 2. favourable extravagant publicity, publisiti (besar-besaran): despite the tremendous ~, he lost to his opponent, walaupun mendapat publisiti besar-besaran, dia kalah di tangan lawannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impatience | n (rasa) tdk sabar, ketidaksabaran: his face showed his ~, wajahnya menunjukkan rasa tdk sabarnya; her ~ increased as the traffic got worse, dia makin tdk sabar apabila lalu lintas makin sesak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accelerating | adj 1. causing quicker motion, pemecut, pencepat: ~ force, daya pemecut; 2. hastening, makin /pesat, cepat/: the danger of war approached at an ~ pace, bahaya peperangan makin pesat datangnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brighten | vi 1. become bright, /(se)makin, menjadi/ cerah: during the afternoon the weather ~ed, pd waktu tengah hari cuaca menjadi cerah; 2. become more lively, cheerful, a. (of person, person’s face) menjadi berseri: her face ~ed when Ali came in, mukanya menjadi berseri apabila Ali masuk; b. (of eyes) bersinar, bercahaya; 3. become more auspicious, menjadi (se)makin cerah: his prospects are ~ing, peluangnya menjadi semakin cerah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | d. mount, naik: he got up behind the rider, dia naik di belakang penunggang itu; e. (of wind, storm) increase in force, /bertambah, makin/ /kencang, kuat/; (of sea) makin /bergelora, bergelombang/; ~ os up, (colloq) menghias diri(nya): she is busy ~ting herself up for the beauty contest, dia sibuk menghias dirinya utk peraduan ratu cantik itu; ~ so. up, cause so. to rise from bed, /menggerakkan, membangunkan, membangkitkan, mengejutkan/ sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
augment | vi makin bertambah, (menjadi) bertambah (+ approp adj): during the summer the dust problem ~s, dlm musim panas masalah debu bertambah teruk; his confidence ~s with every victory, keyakinannya bertambah setiap kali dia menang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gain | 2. increase, improve, bertambah, makin, semakin, meningkat; (in weight, value) bertambah, naik: a theory that is ~ing in popularity, teori yg bertambah popular or teori yg meningkat kepopularannya; to ~ in influence, semakin berpengaruh; the political party has ~ed in strength, parti politik itu bertambah kuat; she is ~ing in weight, berat badannya bertambah; 3. (of clock, watch) cepat: my watch ~s, jam saya cepat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |