whereas | conj manakala, sementara, sedangkan: this week, I have nothing to do, ~ last week I was very busy, minggu ini saya tdk ada apa-apa yg hendak dibuat, sedangkan minggu lepas saya sibuk betul; she wants a Mercedes, ~ her husband prefers a Volvo, dia mahukan kereta Mercedes, sementara suaminya lebih suka akan kereta Volvo. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
movable feast | n (esp of religious festival), (hari) perayaan yg tarikhnya berubah-ubah: Christmas is celebrated on 25 December while Easter is a ~, Krismas dirayakan pd 25 hb Disember, manakala Easter ialah perayaan yg tarikhnya berubah-ubah | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
while | conj 1. at the same time as, semasa, sementara, ketika, sewaktu: the accident occurred ~ he was on the way to visit us, kemalangan itu berlaku semasa dia dlm perjalanan utk melawat kami; ~ I was abroad she was still studying, semasa saya berada di luar negeri, dia masih belajar; he was writing the letter ~ waiting for Mary, dia menulis surat itu sementara menunggu Mary; 2. whereas, manakala, sementara, sedangkan: he got a job in the city, ~ his brother remained a farmer in the village, dia mendapat kerja di bandar, manakala abangnya masih menjadi peladang di desa; some people are fortunate, ~ others are not, sesetengah orang bernasib baik, manakala yg lain tdk; 3. although, walaupun... tetapi: ~ I admit she is right, I still doubt her motives, walaupun saya mengaku dia tdk bersalah, tetapi saya masih meragui motifnya; 4. as long as, selagi: ~ there’s life, there’s hope, selagi ada hayat, selagi itu ada harapan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stay 1 | ~ at, a. be left behind at a place, tinggal di: the old folks ~ed at home while the others went to the mines to work, orang-orang tua tinggal di rumah manakala yg lainnya pergi ke lombong utk bekerja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
perish | vi 1. (of people, animals) die in a terrible way, terkorban: thousands ~ed in the earthquake while many more were seriously injured, beribu-ribu telah terkorban dlm gempa bumi itu manakala ramai yg lain cedera parah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
whenever | conj 1. at the place which, di tempat: ~ I work there are twenty on the staff, di tempat saya bekerja, ada dua puluh orang kakitangan; 2. to the place which, ke mana: ~ he goes they will go, ke mana dia pergi, mereka akan pergi; 3. wherever, ke mana saja: go ~ you like, I don’t mind, pergilah ke mana saja yg kamu suka, saya tak kisah; 4. whereas, manakala, sementara, sedangkan: I want a novel, ~ she prefers a biography, saya mahukan novel, manakala dia lebih menyukai biografi; 5. under conditions or circumstances in which, dlm hal: ~ the custody of the child is involved, the court’s decision is final, dlm hal yg bersabit dgn jagaan budak itu, keputusan mahkamah adalah muktamad; 6. to the extent that, setakat mana: I hope, ~ possible, not to mention the past, saya harap, setakat mana mungkin, jangan ungkit perkara yg lalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
some | 4. part or portion of a whole, sesetengah, setengah-setengah: ~ people may agree with you, but I don’t, sesetengah orang mungkin bersetuju dgn anda, tetapi saya tdk; ~ seeds fell on fertile soil while ~ fell on stony ground, sesetengah benih jatuh di tanah yg subur, manakala sesetengahnya jatuh di tanah yg berbatu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |