incantation | n 1. chanting of magical words in casting spell, membaca mantera, menyerapah, menjampi; 2. words, formula so chanted, mantera, serapah, jampi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
charm | n 1. magical formula, act, jampi, mantera, sihir; work like a ~, betul-betul berhasil: his gentle persuasion worked like a ~, pujukannya yg lembut itu betul-betul berhasil; 2. thing worn to avert evil, tangkal; 3. attractiveness, daya tarikan: the ~ of Mozart’s music, daya tarikan muzik Mozart; a woman of great ~, wanita yg mempunyai daya tarikan yg hebat; 4. (in pl) sexual attractiveness, daya tarikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invocation | n 1. prayer, doa; 2. incantation, mantera, jampi; 3. act of, a. (calling on God, deity for help, etc) berdoa kpd [Tuhan, dewa]; b. (appealing to a Muse for inspiration in poem) pemujaan, memuja: ~ to the Muses, memuja Dewi-Dewi Seni; c. (summoning spirit etc by incantation) penyeruan, menyeru. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hocus-pocus | n 1. trickery, sunglap, silap mata: a magician’s ~, sunglap ahli sihir; there’s a lot of ~ in their politics, terdapat banyak silap mata dlm politik mereka; 2. incantation used by magicians, mantera, jampi; 3. deceiving talk, putar belit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |