Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[mar.mar] | مرمر

Definisi : = batu ~ sj bahan galian kalsium kar­bonat yg padat, yg diperoleh drpd batu kapur, batu pualam. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[mar.mar] | مرمر

Definisi : = batu ~ batu kapur yg keras yg digunakan utk membuat lantai atau dinding sesudah dilicinkan; batu pualam. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
marmar (kata nama)
Bersinonim dengan batu marmar, batu pualam, batu pelinggam.,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

cornicedadj berbirai hias: the ~ marble pillars, tiang marmar yg berbirai hias.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
arcaden arked: the ~ was paved with marble, lantai arked itu diturap dgn batu marmar; a shopping ~, arked beli belah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
chiselvt cut, shape with chisel, memahat: to ~ statues out of marble, memahat patung-patung drpd batu marmar; to ~ wood, memahat kayu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
chipn 1. small piece (of wood, stone) serpihan: marble ~s, serpihan marmar; 2. crack caused by chipping, serpih, sumbing: to repair a ~ in the tooth, menampal gigi yg serpih; 3. (usu in pl) french-fried potatoes, kentang goreng: fish and ~s, ikan dan kentang goreng; 4. (electr) serpihan; 5. counter used in gambling, cip; 6. (golf) pukulan sungkit;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
floorn 1. lower surface of room, bridge, vehicle, etc, lantai: the ~s are of marble, lantainya dibuat drpd marmar; the ~ of my jeep is rusty, lantai jip saya berkarat; 2. bottom surface of, (cave, forest) lantai; (river, lake, valley, etc) dasar: the ocean ~, dasar lautan; 3. storey of a building, tingkat, lantai: the building has three ~s, bangunan itu tiga tingkat; on the first ~, (UK) di tingkat pertama; (US) di tingkat bawah; 4. dance floor, tempat menari: there is nobody left on the ~, tdk ada lagi orang di tempat menari; 5. (of stock exchange) ruang niaga;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
base1n 1. lower part, bottom, a. (of mountain, hill) kaki; b. (of pyramid) tapak; c. (of lamp) kaki; 2. plinth (of statue, vase, column, etc) tapak, asas: a bronze statue on a marble ~, patung gangsa di atas tapak marmar; 3. foundation, a. (of building) tapak, asas; b. (of wall) dasar; 4. basis, asas, dasar; 5. centre of operations, a. (for military activities, exploration, etc) pangkalan: air ~, pangkalan udara; naval ~, pangkalan tentera laut;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ivoryn 1. white bone-like substance of which elephant tusks are made, gading: the table is inlaid with ~, meja itu bertatahkan gading; an ~ trader, pedagang gading; 2. (attrib) made of ivory, yg dibuat drpd gading: ~ bangles, gelang yg dibuat drpd gading; 3. (attrib) colour that is creamy white, berwarna gading; (of skin, complexion) putih kuning: ~ white marble, marmar yg berwarna putih gading; her ~ skin, kulitnya yg putih kuning; 4. (in pl), (sl) keys of piano, mata piano.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
grain4. tiny hard particle, butir: he shook the ~s of sand out of his shoes, dia mengetuk-ngetuk kasutnya utk membuang butir-butir pasir; 5. a. pattern resulting from arrangement of fibres in wood, flesh, rock etc, ira: the wood of the bookshelves has a very attractive ~, ira kayu para buku itu sangat menarik; you must cut along the ~ of the material, kamu mesti memotong kain itu mengikut iranya; b. texture, tekstur: marble of fine ~, marmar yg halus teksturnya; 6. unit of weight equivalent to 0.065 gm, grain; 7. least amount possible, very small amount,Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
chipvt 1. cut, break at edge, (act.) menyebabkan [sst] (menjadi) sumbing; (pass.) sumbing: she complained that someone had ~ped one of her crystal glasses, dia merungut ada orang yg telah menyebabkan salah satu gelas kristalnya sumbing; the statue was ~ped with an axe, patung itu telah diserpihkan dgn kapak; to ~ pieces of stone from the wall, menyerpihkan batu dr dinding itu; 2. shape (st) by breaking off (piece) menarah: to ~ marble, menarah marmar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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