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matahari (kata nama)
Bersinonim dengan mentari, suria, maharaja siang, rawi, lampu dunia, syamsi, samsu.,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

horizonn 1. line at which sky and earth seem to meet, kaki langit, ufuk, horizon: the sun sank below the ~, matahari terbenam di ufuk; sensible ~, kaki langit nyata; 2. (fig.), [various translations]: travel will broaden a person’s ~s, pengembaraan akan meluaskan pengalaman sso; beyond the ~ of human intellect, di luar batas intelek manusia; political ~, ruang lingkup politik; 3. (geol) lapisan (tanah).Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fieryadj 1. flaming with fire, berapi: ~ clouds of smoke billowed from the burning building, kepulan asap yg berapi keluar bergumpal-gumpal dr bangunan itu; 2. hot as fire, panas /macam, spt/ api: her forehead was ~ to the touch, dahinya panas macam api apabila disentuh; 3. blazing red, merah menyala: a ~ sunset, matahari terbenam yg merah menyala; a drunken farmer with a ~ red face, petani yg mabuk yg mukanya merah menyala; 4. (of eyes) flashing, berapi-api, bernyala-nyala; 5. producing a burning sensation, pedas berdesing: a ~ curry, kari yg pedas berdesing; 6. passionate, spirited, berapi-api: a ~ speech, ucapan yg berapi-api; his ~ temper, kemarahannya yg berapi-api.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dyevt 1. colour with dye, mencelup, mewarnakan: to ~ a white dress red, mencelup baju putih menjadi merah; he ~d his hair black, dia mencelup rambutnya menjadi hitam; 2. (poet.) give colour to, mewarnai: the sunset ~d the snow-fields crimson, matahari terbenam mewarnai padang salji menjadi merah lembayung.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
aflameadj & adv 1. in flames, terbakar: the village was ~, kampung itu terbakar; 2. in a glow of light, colour, bersemarak: the forest was ~ with colour, hutan itu bersemarak dgn berbagai-bagai warna; the sky was ~ in the setting sun, langit itu bersemarak ketika matahari terbenam; 3. keenly excited, aroused, a. (of person) bernyala-nyala, bersemarak: he was ~ with the desire to acquire more knowledge, keinginan utk memperoleh pengetahuan yg lebih banyak bernyala-nyala dlm dirinya; b. (of face) merah padam: his face was ~ with fury, mukanya merah padam keberangan; c. (of eyes) bernyala-nyala, bersinar-sinar.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
glown 1. the giving out of heat or light, pijar; (of cigarette) api: the ~ from the coal furnace, pijar dr relau arang batu; 2. steady, even light, cahaya: the ~ of the city lights in the distance, cahaya lampu-lampu kota itu di kejauhan; 3. vividness of colour, radiance, cahaya: the ~ of sunset lit up the sky, cahaya matahari terbenam menerangi langit;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gloriousadj 1. illustrious, cemerlang, gemilang: the troops won a ~ victory, pasukan tentera itu mendapat kemenangan yg cemerlang; a long and ~ reign, pemerintahan yg lama dan gemilang; 2. beautiful, magnificent, a. (gen) hebat: she has a ~ future ahead of her, masa depannya hebat; ~ ferns, paku-pakis yg hebat; b. (of scenery) indah permai, sangat indah: a ~ sunset, pemandangan ketika matahari terbenam yg indah permai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
belowprep 1. at a position, level lower than, di bawah; (anything reckoned in numbers) kurang drpd, di bawah: ~ the table, di bawah meja; ~ the timber-line, di bawah batasan pokok; ~ freezing point, di bawah takat beku; those ~ 40, mereka di bawah umur 40 tahun; he weighs ~ 60 kilograms, berat badannya kurang drpd 60 kilogram; 2. to a position, level lower than, ke bawah; (anything reckoned in numbers) /kurang, lebih rendah/ drpd: the sun sank ~ the horizon, matahari terbenam ke bawah ufuk; the ship disappeared ~ the waves, kapal itu menghilang ke bawah gelombang; prices will not fall ~ their present level, harga tdk akan turun kurang drpd paras sekarang; 3. lower in rank, station, etc, lebih rendah drpd: a captain ranks ~ a major, pangkat kapten lebih rendah drpd pangkat major; 4. further south than, di sebelah selatan; 5. downstream from, di sebelah hilir: fishing boats moored a mile ~ the town, perahu-perahu nelayan yg ditambat sebatu di sebelah hilir pekan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
go~ down, a. descend, turun: be careful when you ~ down the stairs, berhati-hati apabila kamu turun tangga; b. become lower, turun: his temperature went down, suhu badannya turun; the price didn’t ~ down, harganya tdk turun; c. sink, tenggelam, terbenam: the ship went down during the storm, kapal itu tenggelam semasa ribut; the sun went down behind the mountains, matahari terbenam di balik gunung; d. fall to the ground, jatuh: the plane went down in the thick fog, kapal terbang itu jatuh dlm kabut tebal;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dipvi 1. slope down, menurun: the land ~s to the south, tanah itu menurun ke arah selatan; 2. descend sharply, menjunam: the eagle ~ped and swooped on its prey, burung helang itu menjunam dan menyambar mangsanya; 3. decline, jatuh, turun: prices ~ped because of reduced taxes, harga turun disebabkan pengurangan cukai; 4. sink, terbenam: the sun ~s below the horizon, matahari terbenam di ufuk barat; 5. (geol) condong: sedimentary rocks ~ping eastwards, batu mendak yg condong ke arah timur; 6. plunge (into st) to take st out, menyeluk: he ~ped into his pocket for the key, dia menyeluk sakunya utk mengambil kunci;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
alwaysadv 1. everytime, selalu, sentiasa: she’s ~ complaining about her health, dia selalu bersungut ttg kesihatannya; 2. at all times, sentiasa, selamanya: the sun ~ sets in the west, matahari sentiasa terbenam di sebelah barat; carbon dioxide is ~ present in the atmosphere, karbon dioksida sentiasa ada di dlm atmosfera; 3. in all cases, semuanya: this species ~ has webbed feet, spesies ini semuanya mempunyai kaki yg berkulit renang; 4. in any case, [not translated]: if you don’t feel well, you can ~ take the day off, kalau kamu berasa tdk sihat kamu boleh bercuti; 5. forever, sentiasa, selama-lamanya: I shall ~ remember your kindness, saya akan sentiasa mengenang budi baikmu; for ~, (colloq) utk selama-lamanya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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