enter | vi 1. come or go into, masuk: she ~ed through the back door, dia masuk melalui pintu belakang; the bullet ~ed through his mouth, peluru itu masuk melalui mulut; 2. (in stage directions) come on stage, masuk ke pentas: ~ Romeo, Romeo masuk ke pentas; 3. announce os as competitor in a race etc, mendaftarkan nama: he has ~ed for the competition, dia telah mendaftarkan nama utk pertandingan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
elective | adj 1. of, based on selection by vote, pemilihan: ~ procedure, prosedur pemilihan; 2. selected by vote, dipilih melalui pemilihan: ~ office, jawatan yg dipilih melalui pemilihan; 3. having the power to elect, pemilih: an ~ assembly, perhimpunan pemilih; 4. optional, pilihan, elektif: an ~ subject at the university, mata pelajaran pilihan di universiti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
epistolary | adj 1. presented in the form of letters, warkah: an ~ novel, novel warkah; 2. carried on by letters, dijalin melalui surat-menyurat: an ~ love affair, hubungan cinta yg dijalin melalui surat-menyurat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
down1 | prep 1. to lower place on a hill etc, menuruni: to run ~ the steep slope, berlari menuruni cerun yg curam itu; 2. along, a. (river, stream, etc in the direction of the sea) ke hilir: we rowed ~ the river, kami mendayung ke hilir sungai itu; b. (road, street, etc) di: as we were walking ~ the narrow lane..., semasa kami berjalan di lorong sempit itu...; what’s the weather like ~ your way?, bagaimana cuaca di tempat kamu?; c. (pipe, tube, etc) melalui, di: water gushing ~ the conduit, air yg mengalir deras melalui pembuluh; d. (surface of) di: blood trickled ~ his cheek, darah meleleh di pipinya; 3. at a point along, a. (river, stream, etc) di hilir: they live ~ the river, mereka tinggal di hilir sungai; b. (road, street etc) di depan sedikit: his room is ~ the corridor, biliknya di depan sedikit koridor ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | n 1. hole, lubang; (narrow) celah: the calf disappeared through a ~ in the wall, anak lembu itu menghilang melalui lubang pd tembok; 2. broken part, area , (bahagian yg) /pecah, patah, putus, dll/: the ~ is near the ankle, bahagian yg patah itu dekat dgn buku lali; there were so many ~s in the film that it was not worth repairing it, banyak bahagian filem ini yg putus sehingga tdk guna membaikinya or filem ini putus pd begitu banyak tempat sehingga tdk guna membaikinya; the virus can get in through a ~ in the skin, virus tersebut dapat masuk melalui kulit yg jejas; 3. stoppage, berhenti, terhenti: during a ~ in the conversation, a child’s voice was heard, sewaktu perbualan itu terhenti, kedengaran suara kanak-kanak; they waited on the verandah, hoping for a ~ in the rain, mereka menunggu di beranda, mengharapkan hujan akan berhenti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contact | n 1. act of touching, sentuhan, menyentuh: the disease is spread by ~, penyakit itu merebak melalui sentuhan; the mine will explode on ~, periuk api itu akan meletup apabila disentuh; 2. state of being in touch, hubungan: ~ has been reestablished with the cholera-stricken area, hubungan telah diadakan semula dgn kawasan yg ditimpa wabak taun itu; 3. person one contacts, contacted for st, orang hubungan: our business ~s in Manila, orang hubungan perniagaan kami di Manila; 4. (electr) connection, sentuhan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alliance | n 1. confederation (between nations) perikatan, bersekutu: Britain fought in ~ with France, Britain dan Perancis bersekutu dlm peperangan itu; they are in ~, mereka bersekutu; 2. tie, connection, hubungan: they hoped for a closer ~ with the National Union of Bank Employees, mereka mengharapkan hubungan yg lebih rapat dgn Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja-Pekerja Bank; 3. pact, agreement, perjanjian; 4. nations involved in an alliance, negara-negara berikat; 5. (becoming rare) union through marriage, hubungan (melalui perkahwinan): an ~ by marriage between the two royal families is desirable, hubungan melalui perkahwinan antara dua keluarga diraja itu amat diingini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
circulation | n 1. flow, movement through a circuit, peredaran: the ~ of air through the pipes, peredaran udara melalui paip-paip itu; 2. movement of blood through the body, peredaran darah: his ~ was poor, peredaran darahnya lemah; 3. dissemination, penyebaran; (number of copies regularly sold) edaran: the ~ of such rumours will only fan public resentment against the ailing government, penyebaran khabar angin spt itu akan hanya memarakkan rasa marah orang ramai thdp kerajaan yg semakin lemah itu; the newspaper has a wide ~, akhbar itu mempunyai edaran yg luas; a magazine with a ~ of 100,000, majalah yg mempunyai edaran sebanyak 100,000 naskhah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
handicap | n 1. disability, kecacatan: it’s possible to correct some physical ~s surgically, setengah-setengah kecacatan fizikal dapat dipulihkan melalui pembedahan; 2. disadvantage, hambatan: poor eye sight is a ~ especially in this type of job, penglihatan yg kabur ialah satu hambatan terutama sekali dlm pekerjaan spt ini; 3. disadvantage imposed on better competitor, handikap; 4. competition where handicaps are imposed, perlawanan yg diberi handikap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
count 1 | keep ~, mengira, menghitung: he kept ~ of the sheep as they passed through the gate, dia mengira kambing biri-biri itu semasa kambing-kambing tersebut melalui pintu pagar; lose ~, tdk terkira lagi: I have lost ~ of the number of times I fell, saya tdk terkira lagi berapa kali saya jatuh; out for the ~, a. (boxing) tewas selepas kiraan; b. (fast asleep) tidur mati; (be completely exhausted) betul-betul letih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |