colossal | adj 1. gigantic, raksasa, sangat besar; (of problem) sangat besar: a ~ statue, patung raksasa; 2. large in quantity, sangat banyak: ~ profits, keuntungan yg sangat banyak; 3. (colloq) remarkable, melampau-lampau, berlebih-lebihan: ~ impudence, kebiadaban yg melampau-melampau. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gross | adj 1. total, whole, without deduction, kasar: the ~ weight, berat kasar; ~ income, pendapatan kasar; 2. (esp leg.) flagrant, glaring, melampau: ~ injustice, ketidakadilan yg melampau; the driver was charged with ~ negligence, pemandu itu didakwa krn kecuaian yg melampau; a ~ error, kesilapan yg melampau; 3. (of person) obese, terlampau gemuk, gemuk /gedempong, gedempol/; 4. vulgar, coarse, kasar: she found his ~ jokes repulsive, dia mendapati jenaka kasar lelaki itu menjijikkan; 5. unpleasant, offensive, hodoh: ~ statues of animals stand guard over the entrance, arca-arca binatang yg hodoh berdiri di pintu masuk seolah-olah menjadi pengawal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
immoderate | adj berlebih-lebihan; (of demand) melampau, berlebih-lebihan: he is ~ in his spending, dia berbelanja berlebih-lebihan; she spends an ~ amount of time in front of the mirror, dia menghabiskan masa yg berlebih-lebihan di hadapan cermin; these ~ demands cannot possibly be met, tuntutan yg melampau ini tdk mungkin dapat dipenuhi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extremity | n 1. (fml) highest degree, sangat, sungguh, amat: her expression showed the ~ of her grief, air mukanya menunjukkan bahawa dia sangat sedih; 2. lack of moderation, melampau(nya), keterlaluan(nya): he is known for the ~ of his political ideas, dia dikenali krn idea-ideanya yg melampau; 3. (fml) farthest point, bahagian hujung: the southern ~ of the continent, bahagian hujung selatan benua itu; 4. (in pl) hands and feet, kaki dan tangan; 5. extreme condition, state, keadaan terlampau + approp adj: the extremities of being poor, keadaan terlampau miskin; 5. extreme measures, perbuatan melampau: both sides were guilty of extremities, kedua-dua pihak berasa bersalah melakukan perbuatan melampau. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extravagant | 4. exaggerated, berlebih-lebihan, keterlaluan, melampau(-lampau): the review was full of ~ praise, ulasan itu penuh dgn pujian yg keterlaluan; having made such ~ claims for their latest product, the company was greatly embarrassed when it fell short of expectations, setelah membuat dakwaan yg berlebih-lebihan ttg keluaran terbaru mereka, syarikat itu berasa amat malu apabila keluaran tersebut tdk seperti yg dijangka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extortionate | adj (derog) excessive, (of demand) berlebih-lebihan, melampau-lampau; (of price, rent, profit, etc) terlalu tinggi: the prices at these restaurants are simply ~, harga makanan dan minuman di restoran-restoran ini terlalu tinggi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extreme | n (often in pl) 1. either of two limits that is as far apart or different from each other, (approp n) yg bertentangan; (of temperature) tinggi rendah [suhu] yg melampau: Members of Parliament who represent political ~s, Ahli-Ahli Parlimen yg mewakili faham politik yg bertentangan; the ~s of joy and sadness, kebahagian dan kesedihan yg bertentangan; he found it difficult to get used to the ~s of temperature, dia mendapati sukar utk membiasakan diri dgn tinggi rendah suhu yg melampau; 2. greatest degree, [sst] yg /keterlaluan, melampau/: the ~s of fashion, fesyen yg keterlaluan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extreme | she is a supporter of the ~ left wing of the party, dia penyokong puak kiri parti itu yg melampau; an ~ socialist, sosialis yg ekstrem; he has ~ views about the Church and politics, dia mempunyai pandangan yg keterlaluan ttg penglibatan Gereja dlm politik; d. having specified characteristic to the greatest extent, ekstrem: your behaviour towards me is an ~ example of rudeness, tingkah laku kamu thdp saya ialah contoh ekstrem sikap biadab; in ~ cases, the police are called in to conduct a thorough investigation, dlm kes-kes ekstrem, pihak polis dipanggil utk menjalankan penyiasatan yg rapi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ham 2 | vt often ~ /it, st/ up, (sl) melakonkan + approp n secara /melampau-lampau, berlebih-lebihan/: there’s no need to ~ it up, play the part as it is, tdk perlu melakonkan babak itu secara berlebih-lebihan, lakonkan seada-adanya saja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
averse | adj; ~ /from, to/, enggan, tdk suka: I am ~ to taking any extreme action, saya enggan mengambil sebarang tindakan yg melampau; be not ~ to, tdk keberatan: he is not ~ to an occasional glass of brandy, sekali-sekala dia tdk keberatan utk meminum segelas brandi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |