burden1 | n 1. st carried, load, beban: a mule with its ~ of firewood, keldai dgn beban kayu api yg dibawanya; 2. cargo or cargo capacity (of ship) muatan: a ship of more than 1, 000 tons ~, kapal yg muatannya melebihi 1, 000 tan; 3. st exacting, difficult to bear, beban: to bear the ~ of responsibilities, memikul beban pelbagai tanggungjawab; the ~ of taxation, beban cukai; he has always been a ~ to us, dia sentiasa menjadi beban kpd kami; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exceed | vt 1. be greater or larger than, melebihi: the number of students in each class must not ~ 30, bilangan pelajar dlm setiap kelas mestilah tdk melebihi 30 orang; the amount of money collected ~ed all expectation, jumlah wang yg dikumpulkan melebihi jangkaan; the demand for cotton ~s the supply, permintaan thdp kain kapas melebihi penawaran; 2. ( derog ) go beyond, melampaui, melebihi: he was fined for ~ing the speed limit, dia didenda krn melebihi had laju; he ~ed his authority in arresting the man, dia melampaui bidang kuasanya apabila menangkap lelaki itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
import | n 1. (usu pl) goods brought into a country from abroad, import: ~s exceeded exports, import melebihi eksport; ~ duty, duti import; ~ quota, kuota import; 2. importance, penting, mustahak; (of person) penting: matters of great ~, perkara-perkara yg amat penting; 3. meaning, maksud: I could not gather the ~ of his words, saya tdk dapat menangkap maksud kata-katanya; 4. act of importing, pengimportan: the ~ of certain drugs has been banned, pengimportan setengah-setengah jenis ubat diharamkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
advantage | n 1. Superiority,< kelebihan: she had the ~ of knowing many languages, dia mempunyai kelebihan krn mengetahui banyak bahasa; 2. favourable factor, circumstance, etc, kebaikan: the ~s of the plan far outweigh the disadvantages, kebaikan-kebaikan rancangan itu jauh melebihi keburukannya; a position which to him was more of a handicap than an ~, kedudukan yg baginya lebih merupakan kelemahan drpd kebaikan; 3. benefit, faedah, manfaat: he gained little ~ from the course, sedikit sahaja faedah yg diperolehnya drpd kursus itu; 4. (tennis) faedah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gathering | n 1. act of gathering, a. (gen) pengumpulan, mengumpulkan: the ~ of data is time-consuming, pengumpulan data memakan masa; b. (fruits, flowers) pemetikan, memetik; c. (crop) penuaian, menuai; 2. assembly of people, perhimpunan: a ~ of more than five people requires a police permit, perhimpunan melebihi lima orang memerlukan permit polis; a political ~, perhimpunan politik; 3. meeting, pertemuan, perjumpaan: a family ~, pertemuan keluarga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
consumption | n 1. act of consuming penggunaan: the ~ of o’s energy, penggunaan tenaga sso; the ~ of rice in the Klang Valley, penggunaan beras di Lembah Klang; not fit for human ~, tdk sesuai dimakan (oleh manusia); 2. amount consumed, penggunaan: ~ should not exceed production, penggunaan tdk sepatutnya melebihi pengeluaran; 3. (old use) tuberculosis of the lungs, (penyakit) batuk kering. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
calculation | n 1. act, instance of computing, pengiraan, penghitungan: the ~ of the cost, pengiraan kos; several ~s had to done first, beberapa pengiraan harus diselesaikan dulu; 2. result of computing, kiraan, hitungan: his ~ is wrong, kiraannya salah; 3. estimation, perhitungan, perkiraan: the outcome of the talks exceeded all our ~s, hasil perbincangan itu melebihi segala perhitungan kami; 4. deliberation, scheming, licik: he did it with cold ~, dia melakukannya dgn licik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beyond | prep 1. on, to the farther side of, di /(se)balik, sebelah/ sana; (road, river, sea, etc) di seberang sana: ~ the Alps, di sebalik sana banjaran Alps; the countries ~ the Rhine, negara-negara di seberang sana sungai Rhine; 2. past, melewati; (rel to time) melebihi, melewati: the troops advanced ~ the border, pasukan tentera mara melewati sempadan; they stayed ~ the time limit, mereka tinggal di situ melewati tempoh yg ditentukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apply | vi 1. be relevant, appropriate, ada /kaitan, hubungan/, berkaitan, berhubungan; (preceded by modal aux verb) dikaitkan: the criticisms made do not ~ to you, kritikan yg dibuat tdk berkaitan dgn kamu; regulations that do not ~ in this case, peraturan-peraturan yg tdk ada kaitannya dgn hal ini; the charges do not ~ to pensioners, bayaran yg dikenakan itu tdk berkaitan dgn pesara-pesara; can such arguments ~ here?, dapatkah hujah-hujah spt itu dikaitkan dlm hal ini?; 2. make a request (esp in writing) memohon: he has since applied to three universities, sejak itu dia telah memohon kpd tiga buah universiti; those over fifty need not ~, sesiapa yg melebihi umur lima puluh tahun tdk perlu memohon; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |