curve | vt melengkungkan: to ~ the metal strips by heating them, melengkungkan jalur-jalur logam dgn memanaskannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bend | vt 1. cause to assume a curved shape, a. (gen) melenturkan, melengkungkan: he can ~ an iron bar into a semi-circle, dia dapat melenturkan batang besi itu menjadi separuh bulatan; she bent the sapling down to the ground, dia melengkungkan anak pokok itu sampai ke tanah; to ~ a bow, melenturkan busur; b. (head), (act.) menundukkan; (pass.) tunduk: he bent his head in a show of respect, dia menundukkan kepalanya sbg tanda hormat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bow2 | vt1. make (st) into a curve, melengkungkan, menyebabkan [sst] melengkung; 2. use the bow on (violin etc), menggesek [violin dll]. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arch1 | vt 1. form an arch, melengkung; (eyebrows) mengangkat: at the sight of the dog the cat ~ed its back, apabila ternampak anjing, kucing itu pun melengkungkan badannya; 2. span, menggerbangi: trees ~ed the road, pokok-pokok menggerbangi jalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bend | n 1. curved part, a. (of road) selekoh, siku, liku, kelok, lengkok: a road full of ~s, jalan yg penuh dgn selekoh; b. (of other things) lengkung: the ~ of the handlebar, lengkung gagang basikal; the ~ of the back, lengkung belakang sso; the ~ of an arched window, lengkung tingkap gerbang; 2. act of bending, [various translations]: with a quick ~ of the body, dgn melengkungkan badannya cepat-cepat; with a slight ~ of the knee, dgn membengkokkan kakinya sedikit; put a ~ in st, membengkokkan sst; (go) round the ~, (colloq), (sudah) gila; straighten out a ~ in st, meluruskan sst; take a ~, menyelekoh; there is a ~ in st, sst bengkok: there is a ~ in the curtain rod, alang langsir itu bengkok; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |