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Kata Terbitan : berleret, meleret, meleret-leret,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

dragvi 1. labuh sehingga kelepet kainnya meleret ke tanah; 2. often ~ /on, out /, go on slowly, laboriously, berlarutan; (of lecture, story, etc) meleret-leret: if the hydrogen bomb had not been used the war would have ~ged on for who knows how long, jika bom hidrogen tdk digunakan peperangan itu akan berlarutan entah sampai bila, tdk siapa pun tahu; a marriage that ~ged on for the sake of the children, perkahwinan yg berlarutan demi kepentingan anak-anak; the lecture ~ged on, kuliah itu meleret-leret; although the actors were quite good, the play itself ~ged, walaupun lakonannya baik tetapi drama itu meleret-leret; 3. use a drag, menggunakan penyeret;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
trailvi 1. drag along the ground, meleret: her long skirt was ~ing in the mud, skirtnya yg panjang meleret dlm lumpur;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
windyadj 1. with much wind, berangin: it was a wild and ~ night, malam yg membadai dan berangin; here the winters are cold, wet and ~, di sini musim sejuk adalah dingin, lembap dan berangin; 2. full of fine-sounding but meaningless words, pompous, meleret-leret: such ~ rhetoric is to be avoided, retorik yg meleret-leret patut dielakkan; 3. (colloq) flatulent, kembung: onions make him ~, bawang membuatnya kembung; 4. (colloq & old use) nervous, scared, gentar, takut: she’s a bit ~ about staying alone in the house at night, dia agak gentar tinggal seorang diri di rumah pd waktu malam.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
screedn 1. long monotonous letter or piece of writing, approp n + yg meleret-leret; 2. mixture of cement, mortar, etc to give a smooth surface, lapis, lepa.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
trailn 1. line, mark left behind by so., st moving, [various translations]: the ~ of smoke left by a passing train, kepulan asap yg meleret yg ditinggalkan oleh kereta api yg lalu; a ~ of blood led them to the wounded soldier, titis-titis darah itu membawa mereka kpd askar yg luka; from the ~ of marks in the snow, he could tell that a well-built man had passed by recently, drpd bekas tapak kaki dlm salji itu, dia mengetahui bahawa seorang lelaki tegap baru saja lalu; the ~ of destruction left by the hurricane, leretan kerosakan akibat taufan itu; the singer toured the front line, leaving a ~ of broken hearts behind her, penyanyi itu melawat sambil membuat persembahan di barisan hadapan, meninggalkan banyak hati yg patah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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