browse | vi 1. search idly through a shop etc, melihat-lihat, menengok-nengok: I was browsing in the shop, saya melihat-lihat di kedai itu; 2. feed on grass, meragut + approp n: goats browsing in the field, kambing-kambing yg sedang meragut rumput di padang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
last 1 | b. not have to be concerned with so., st again, tdk akan /mendengar, melihat/ /sso, sst/ lagi: he’d been such a nuisance, the landlady was glad to see the ~ of him, dia begitu menyusahkan, jadi wanita tuan rumah sangat gembira krn tdk akan melihat dia lagi; I hope we have heard the ~ of that rumour, saya berharap kita tdk akan mendengar desas-desus itu lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appalled | adj 1. horrified, (berasa) gerun; (by brutality, gruesome sight), (berasa) ngeri: she stood ~ when she saw how high up we were, dia berdiri gerun melihat betapa tinggi kami berada; they were ~ at the sight of the mutilated bodies, mereka berasa ngeri melihat tubuh-tubuh yg telah dicencang-cencang itu; 2. shocked, terkejut, terperanjat: I was quite ~ to hear that he had been sacked, saya agak terkejut mendengar (bahawa) dia telah dibuang kerja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dazzle | n 1. (of direct light) cahaya yg menyilaukan mata: it is difficult to see in the ~ of high beam headlights, sukar sekali utk melihat dlm cahaya lampu besar yg menyilaukan mata; 2. (of reflected light, gem, etc) kilauan: the ~ on the water prevented us from seeing the reef ahead, kilauan permukaan air itu menyebabkan kami tdk dapat melihat terumbu di hadapan; the ~ of diamonds, kilauan berlian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bob1 | n 1. short down-and-up movement, tenggelam timbul: I watched the ~ of his head as he swam, saya melihat kepalanya tenggelam timbul semasa dia berenang; 2. quick curtsy or bow, merendahkan diri sececah; give a ~, merendahkan diri sececah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clap 1 | ~ eyes on /so., st/, (colloq), /melihat, tengok/ /sso, sst/: I’ve never ~ped eyes on him before, saya tdk pernah tengok dia sebelum ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hop 1 | vi 1. jump on one leg, melompat dgn sebelah kaki: it was a game to see who could ~ the farthest, permainan itu adalah utk melihat siapa yg dapat melompat paling jauh dgn sebelah kaki; 2. advance by short, jerky leaps, melompat-lompat dgn sebelah kaki: I ~ped all the way to the bus-stop, saya melompat-lompat dgn sebelah kaki sepanjang jalan ke perhentian bas; 3. (of certain small birds, animals and insects) meloncat, melompat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bob1 | vi 1. move up and down repeatedly, terumbang-ambing, terkatung-katung: in the distance we could see the little boat ~bing in the water, di kejauhan kami dapat melihat perahu kecil itu terumbang-ambing di atas air; 2. (bow briefly) membongkokkan badan sececah; (curtsy briefly) merendahkan diri sececah: the little girl ~bed before the visitor, budak perempuan itu merendahkan diri sececah di hadapan tetamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hop 1 | ~ it, (sl) pergi: you’d better ~ it, before anyone sees you, lebih baik kamu pergi sebelum sesiapa melihat kamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amount | n 1. quantity, banyak(nya): the ~ of food left over surprised her, dia terperanjat melihat banyaknya makanan yg berlebihan itu; 2. sum total, jumlah; (econ) amaun: the ~ still unsold, jumlah yg masih belum dijual; he only spent a small ~ on repairs, dia hanya membelanjakan jumlah yg kecil bagi kerja-kerja pembaikan; ~ owing, amaun terhutang; 3. full value, significance, effect, maksud(nya): the ~ of the statement is that..., maksud kenyataan itu ialah...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |