driving | n 1. act of operating, controlling vehicle, memandu: ~ can be a pleasant experience, memandu boleh menjadi pengalaman yg menyeronokkan; ~ test, ujian memandu; 2. management of vehicle, cara memandu: his ~ is very good, cara dia memandu sangat baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guide | vt 1. show (so.) round (a place) memandu, membawa: a woman who spoke fluent Japanese ~d us on a tour of the temple, wanita yg fasih berbahasa Jepun memandu kami berjalan-jalan di kuil itu; 2. show the way, (of person, animal) menunjukkan jalan, memandu, membawa; (of stars, compass, lights, etc) memandu, menjadi panduan: Simon took my hand and ~d me through the dark tunnel, Simon memegang tangan saya dan membawa saya melalui terowong yg gelap itu; the usher’s job is to ~ people to their seats, kerja penunjuk tempat duduk adalah membawa penonton ke tempat duduk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drive | vi 1. operate, control vehicle, memandu: to ~ slowly, memandu dgn perlahan; 2. travel in vehicle, pergi dgn + approp n, menaiki + approp n: do you want to fly or ~ down?, adakah tuan hendak pergi dgn kapal terbang atau dgn kereta?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drive | vt 1. operate, control, memandu: she usually ~s a Proton Saga, dia biasanya memandu kereta Proton Saga; 2. transport in vehicle, menghantar [sso] (dgn + approp n): he drove us to the railway station, dia menghantar kami dgn kereta ke stesen kereta api; 3. urge, direct (animal) menggiring: to ~ a herd of cattle through the gate, menggiring sekawan lembu keluar melalui pintu pagar; 4. force, thrust, [various translations]: he drove his sword through his heart, dia menikamkan pedangnya menembusi jantungnya; he drove the nail into the plank, dia menukul paku ke dlm papan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flying | n 1. act of piloting an aircraft, memandu kapal terbang: night ~ needs special skill, memandu kapal terbang pd waktu malam memerlukan kemahiran khas; 2. act of travelling in aircraft, naik kapal terbang; (attrib) penerbangan: she enjoys ~, dia suka naik kapal terbang; the ~ time between Kuala Lumpur and Sydney, masa penerbangan antara Kuala Lumpur dan Sydney. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guide | the patrol boat ~d the steamer into the harbour, bot peronda memandu kapal api itu masuk ke pelabuhan; the North Star ~ d them, Bintang Kutub memandu mereka; 3. (usu pass.) influence or direct so’s actions, berpandu kpd, berpandukan: he was continually ~d by his conviction that nature is sacred, dia sentiasa dipengaruhi oleh keyakinannya bahawa alam semula jadi adalah suci; don’t be ~d by your feelings alone, jangan berpandukan perasaan kamu saja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chauffeur | vt 1. drive (st) as chauffeur, memandu: he ~ed a Rolls Royce for the millionaire, dia memandu kereta Rolls Royce utk jutawan itu; 2. convey by car, membawa dgn kereta: he ~ed her around town, lelaki itu membawanya dgn kereta mengelilingi bandar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
driving-licence | n lesen memandu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
have | ~ so. up, menyaman sso: he was had up for speeding, dia disaman krn memandu terlalu laju. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bucket | vt 1. draw, lift in bucket, mencedok, menimba: she was ~ing water from the well, dia sedang mencedok air dr perigi; 2. drive hurriedly or roughly, memandu [sst] dgn /bergegas-gegas, tergesa-gesa/: he ~ed his car down the road, dia memandu keretanya dgn bergegas-gegas di jalan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |