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Kata Terbitan : memangkas, pemangkas,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

clip 2vt 1. trim with scissors or sharp instrument, a. (hair, hedge, etc) menggunting, memangkas; b. (wool, close-cropped hair) mengetam; c. (nails) mengetip; 2. cut from newspaper etc, menggunting, memotong: he ~ped the news item from yesterday’s papers, dia menggunting berita itu dr surat khabar semalam; 3. punch hole in, mengetik: the conductor forgot to ~ my ticket, konduktor itu terlupa mengetik tiket saya; 4. (colloq) hit sharply, menumbuk;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
clip 2n 1. act of trimming with scissors or sharp instrument, a. (hair, hedge, etc) menggunting, memangkas; b. (wool, close-cropped hair) mengetam; c. (nails) mengetip; 2. short extract, a. (from film) sedutan (filem); b. (from newspaper) /guntingan, potongan, keratan/ akhbar; 3. (of wool) hasil ketaman bulu biri-biri;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cropvt 1. cut off, a. (person’s hair), /menggunting, memotong/ pendek; b. (horse’s tail) mengontotkan, mengompotkan; c. (grass, lawn, hedge) memotong, memangkas; 2. (of animals) eat off tops of grass etc, meragut, memakan: the sheep ~ped the grass short, kambing biri-biri meragut rumput sehingga pendek; 3. plant, menanami (dgn + approp n): to ~ a field with barley, menanami ladang dgn barli; he decided not to ~ the remaining twenty hectares, dia membuat keputusan tdk akan menanami baki tanah sebanyak dua puluh hektar lagi (dgn kelapa sawit);Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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