blow1 | ~ up, a. arise with the wind, membadai: there’s a storm ~ing up at sea, ribut sedang membadai di laut; b. come to the fore, meletus: trouble is ~ing up again, kekacauan meletus semula; c. explode, meletup, meledak: the bomb blew up, bom itu meletup; ~ st up, a. fill with air, mengisi angin: to ~ up a tyre, mengisi angin tayar; b. cause to explode, meletupkan: the soldiers blew up the bridge, askar-askar meletupkan jambatan itu; c. enlarge (photograph) membesarkan; d. exaggerate, membesar-besarkan: the affair had been ~n up by the newspapers, kisah itu telah dibesar-besarkan oleh pihak akhbar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fierce | adj 1. savage, ferocious, garang: a ~ dog, anjing garang; she had a ~ look on her face, wajahnya kelihatan garang; 2. violent, turbulent, membadai: a ~ storm, ribut yg membadai; ~ winds, angin yg membadai; 3. intense, a. (of emotion, feeling, sensation, etc) amat sangat: a ~ desire for success, keinginan yg amat sangat utk mencapai kejayaan; b. (of heat) terik; c. (of argument, competition, resistance, etc) hebat, sengit: after a fierce campaign the country was finally occupied, selepas kempen yg hebat, negeri itu akhirnya diduduki. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fierceness | n 1. ferocity, kegarangan; 2. violence, turbulence, membadai(nya). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bluster | vi 1. speak in a noisy, boastful manner, bercakap berdegar-degar; 2. blow in stormy gust, menderu, membadai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | 10. also ~ down (of health etc) rosak: her health broke down under the strain, kesihatannya rosak akibat tekanan itu; 11. (ref to natural phenomena) a. (of fine weather) become bad, menjadi buruk: after three fine days the weather broke, sesudah tiga hari baik, cuaca menjadi buruk; b. (of storm) begin, mula membadai: the storm broke, ribut mula membadai; c. (of waves) menghempas [ke], memecah [di]: the crash of the waves ~ing against the rocks, bunyi pukulan ombak yg menghempas ke batu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |