glut | vt membanjiri: the plentiful supply of pineapples ~ted the market, bekalan nanas yg banyak membanjiri pasaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flood | vt 1. inundate, a. (act.) membanjiri; (pass.) banjir, kebanjiran: the whole town was ~ed, seluruh bandar itu banjir; b. (fig.) membanjiri: applicants ~ed the office, pemohon-pemohon membanjiri pejabat itu; the agency was ~ed with offers, agensi itu dibanjiri dgn tawaran; 2. cause to rise in a flood, (act.) menyebabkan [sst] /banjir, kebanjiran/; (pass.) banjir, kebanjiran: heavy rains ~ed the river, hujan lebat menyebabkan sungai banjir; 3. irrigate, mengairi: they use irrigation canals to ~ the rice-fields, mereka menggunakan terusan pengairan utk mengairi sawah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deluge | vt (lit. & fig.) membanjiri: the monsoon rain ~d the villages, hujan monsun membanjiri kampung-kampung itu; the speaker was ~d with questions, penceramah itu dibanjiri soalan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flood | ~ into st, a. (of water) membanjiri sst: water ~ed into the room, air membanjiri bilik itu; b. (of light), /melimpahi, menyimbah/ sst; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crowd | vt 1. fill to excess, membanjiri, memenuhi: spectators ~ed the hall, penonton-penonton membanjiri dewan; traffic ~s the streets at peak periods, lalu lintas memenuhi jalan raya pd waktu-waktu sibuk; 2. push, mengasak: stop ~ing me, jangan mengasak saya; the truck ~ed his car off the road, lori itu mengasak keretanya ke tepi jalan; 3. pressurize, mendesak: don’t ~ me about the work. I need more time, jangan desak saya ttg kerja itu. Saya perlukan masa yg lebih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intumescence | vt (usu pass.) 1. flood, (act.) membanjiri; (pass.) dilanda banjir: the river burst its banks and ~d the town, tebing sungai itu rebak dan airnya membanjiri bandar tersebut; the lower valley was ~d after ten hours of continuous rain, kawasan rendah lembah tersebut dilanda banjir selepas hujan turun tdk henti-henti selama sepuluh jam; 2. swamp, overwhelm, membanjiri, menghujani: the office was ~d with enquiries, pejabat itu dibanjiri pertanyaan; to be ~d with congratulatory messages, dihujani surat ucapan tahniah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flood | 4. spill into, melimpahi: bright light suddenly ~ed the stage, tiba-tiba cahaya yg terang melimpahi pentas; 5. saturate, membanjiri: our manufacturers have ~ed Britain with imports from Korea, pengilang-pengilang kita telah membanjiri Britain dgn barang-barang import dr Korea; 6. overfill (carburettor), (act.) menyebabkan [sst] banjir; (pass.) banjir: avoid using too much choke, you will ~ the carburettor, jangan terlalu banyak menggunakan pencekik, kamu akan menyebabkan karburetor banjir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invade | 2. crowd into, a. (of people) datang beramai-ramai ke; (in great numbers) membanjiri: the first group of prospectors ~d the area as early as last April, kumpulan pencari emas yg pertama datang beramai-ramai ke kawasan itu pd bulan April dahulu lagi; the city was ~d by hordes of tourists, bandar itu dibanjiri beribu-ribu pelancong; b. (of insects, pests), /meremut, penuh/ di: ants had ~d the store, semut meremut di stor; c. (of doubt, worry, etc) dilanda: doubts ~d his mind, fikirannya dilanda rasa sangsi; 3. intrude upon, infringe, mengganggu: he claimed that his privacy had been ~d, dia mendakwa bahawa hak kebersendiriannya telah diganggu; to ~ the rights of the private citizen, mengganggu hak rakyat biasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
back | ~ up, a. accumulate behind obstruction, naik: the water ~ed up behind the dam and flooded the valley, air naik di empangan dan membanjiri lembah itu; b. (US) form queue, tertahan: vehicles were ~ed up for miles on the highway, kenderaan tertahan berbatu-batu panjangnya di lebuh raya itu; c. (US) go up backwards, /(ber)undur, mundur, mengundur/ naik; ~ so. up, see vt (sense 2.); ~ st up, see vt (sense 3.); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flood | vi 1. be covered with water, banjir, bah: the cellar ~s every time it rains heavily, bilik bawah tanah banjir setiap kali hujan lebat; 2. rise and spill over, banjir, bah: the river ~s every year, sungai itu banjir setiap tahun; 3. pour, membanjiri: the townspeople ~ed into the square, penduduk bandar itu membanjiri medan tersebut; complaints ~ed into the editor’s office, aduan-aduan membanjiri pejabat editor; 4. spill, melimpah: when she drew the curtains, bright sunlight ~ed into the room, apabila dia membuka langsir, cahaya matahari yg terang melimpah masuk ke dlm bilik itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |