colour | n 1. hue, warna: primary ~s, warna primer; films in ~, filem-filem warna; 2. redness of the face, [various translations ]: he has an unhealthy ~, dia kelihatan tdk sihat; his remarks brought ~ to her face, mukanya naik merah mendengar kata-kata lelaki itu; 3. colour of person’s skin as determined by race, warna kulit: ~ prejudices, prasangka warna kulit; 4. vividness, warna: his music is full of ~, muziknya penuh warna; 5. a. colouring matter such as dye, pigment, etc, cat: he painted in water ~s, dia melukis dgn cat air; b. colour produced by colouring matter such as dye, pigment, etc, warna: by wetting a corner of the material in hot water you can tell whether the ~ will run, dgn membasahkan bucu kain itu dgn air panas, kita dapat tahu sama ada warnanya akan turun atau tdk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |