buckle | vi 1. fasten (with a buckle) dikancing, dikenakan /kancingnya, gancunya/: the belt ~s easily, tali pinggang itu mudah dikancing; 2. become bent, membengkok; (of legs) menjadi terlepoh, terkelepot: one pole of the tent ~d under the weight, salah satu tiang khemah itu membengkok akibat berat yg disangganya; his knees ~d, lututnya membengkok; 3. bend out of shape (through impact, heat) menjadi bengkok-bengkok: the metal sheet ~, kepingan logam itu menjadi bengkok-bengkok; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bend | 5. turn in a new direction, membelok, mengelok, membengkok, melengkok: the road ~s to the left, jalan itu membelok ke kiri; 6. submit, tunduk: he bent to his father’s wishes, dia tunduk kpd kemahuan bapanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bend | the rod bent suddenly as the fish took the bait, tiba-tiba joran itu melentur apabila umpan dimakan ikan; 2. (of tree branch) a. become curved upwards, melentur; b. become curved downward, melendut; 3. sag, melendut: the plank bent when he trod on it, papan itu melendut apabila dipijaknya; 4. become crooked, a. (of flexible things) melentur, membengkok, menjadi bengkok: copper wire ~s easily, dawai tembaga mudah melentur; b. (of part of body) membengkokkan: my arm won’t ~, saya tdk dapat membengkokkan tangan saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |