guide | 4. show (so.) how to do st, membimbing; (by holding so’s hand) memegang [tangan sso] utk mengajar, mengajar [sso] dgn memegang [tangannya]: they are young and inexperienced. They need someone to ~ them, mereka masih budak dan tdk berpengalaman. Mereka memerlukan seseorang utk membimbing mereka; the teacher ~d my hand as I wrote the letters, guru mengajar saya menulis huruf itu dgn memegang tangan saya; 5. direct affairs of (country, state) memimpin: the government will ~ the nation through the crisis, kerajaan akan memimpin negara menghadapi krisis itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | 4. ask question designed to extract desired answer, mengemukakan soalan pimpin: the defense counsel attempted to ~ the witness, peguam pembela itu mencuba mengemukakan soalan pimpin kpd saksi tersebut; 5. steer the course of (conversation), membawa; (tutorial etc) membimbing: she was very clever in ~ing the conversation to a point where she could enquire about her ex-husband, dia sangat pandai membawa perbualan itu supaya dia dapat menanyakan hal bekas suaminya; the tutor led the discussion group, tutor itu membimbing kumpulan perbincangan tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | 4. ask question designed to extract desired answer, mengemukakan soalan pimpin: the defense counsel attempted to ~ the witness, peguam pembela itu mencuba mengemukakan soalan pimpin kpd saksi tersebut; 5. steer the course of (conversation), membawa; (tutorial etc) membimbing: she was very clever in ~ing the conversation to a point where she could enquire about her ex-husband, dia sangat pandai membawa perbualan itu supaya dia dapat menanyakan hal bekas suaminya; the tutor led the discussion group, tutor itu membimbing kumpulan perbincangan tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |