Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

gripvt 1. take hold of, grasp firmly, a. (with hand) menggenggam, memegang kuat, memegang /kuat-kuat, erat-erat/: she ~ped her friend’s hand warmly, dia menggenggam tangan kawannya itu dgn mesra; the policeman ~ped the thief by the collar, mata-mata tersebut memegang kuat kolar baju pencuri itu; he ~ped the rope with both hands, dia memegang kuat tali itu dgn kedua-dua belah tangannya; b. (with or as if with claws) mencengkam: the tiger ~ped the carcass, harimau itu mencengkam bangkai tersebut;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hold 1 vt 1. grasp, clasp, memegang; (indic reciprocal action) berpegangan: she held the child’s hand as they crossed the street, dia memegang tangan budak itu semasa menyeberang jalan; the boy held the cat’s tail, budak itu memegang ekor kucing; they held each other’s hands, mereka berpegangan tangan; 2. restrain, not let go, memegang: ~ him, he’s dangerous, pegang dia, dia berbahaya; 3. put (os, part of body) in certain position, [various translations]: he held himself erect, dia berdiri tegak; the puppy held its tail between its legs, anak anjing itu mengangkat ekornya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
graspvt 1. a. hold firmly, memegang (dgn kuat); (with closed fist) menggenggam: she ~ed me firmly by the shoulder and swung me around, dia memegang bahu saya erat-erat dan memusingkan saya supaya menghadapnya; the child ~ed the edge of the swimming pool, budak itu memegang tebing kolam renang dgn kuat; he ~ed both my hands warmly, dia menggenggam kedua-dua tangan saya dgn mesra; b. seize firmly, mencengkam:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hold 1 12. occupy, memegang: he held the office of chairman for a number of years, dia memegang jawatan pengerusi utk beberapa tahun; 13. keep (interest, attention) of, menguasai: a novel that ~s the reader’s interest from beginning to end, sebuah novel yg menguasai minat pembacanya dr mula hingga akhir; to ~ an audience spellbound, menguasai penonton sehingga terpegun; 14. reserve, menyimpan: she’s ~ing the tickets for us, dia menyimpan tiket utk kita;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hold 1 ~ down, a. keep down, memegang kuat-kuat: he had to ~ the dog down while the vet gave it an injection, dia terpaksa memegang anjing itu kuat-kuat apabila doktor menyuntik anjing tersebut; b. keep at a low level, mengawal: the government is trying to ~ prices down, kerajaan sedang mencuba mengawal harga; c. suppress, menindas: a nation cannot be held down forever, sst bangsa tdk boleh ditindas selama-lamanya; d. keep, kekal dgn: as he is unreliable, he can’t ~ down any job, krn dia tdk boleh diharap, dia tdk boleh kekal dgn sst pekerjaan; ~ o’s head down, menundukkan kepala;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
handlevt 1. touch, feel with the hands, memegang: you must ~ the glass ornaments with care, kamu mesti memegang perhiasan kaca itu dgn cermat; 2. operate with the hands, menggunakan: the recruits were taught how to ~ guns properly, rekrut-rekrut itu diajar bagaimana hendak menggunakan senapang dgn betul; 3. package, transport, etc, mengendalikan: timber is a difficult item to ~, kayu balak ialah bahan yg sukar utk dikendalikan; 4. treat, memperlakukan: the demonstrators were roughly ~d by the police, penunjuk-penunjuk perasaan itu telah diperlakukan dgn kasar oleh polis;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
handlingn 1. act of touching, feeling with the hands, memegang: too much ~ spoils the pastry, banyak sangat memegang akan merosakkan pastri itu; 2. process in which goods are packaged, transported, etc, pengendalian: ~ charge, caj pengendalian; 3. treatment, cara memperlakukan: the rough ~ of prisoners, cara kasar memperlakukan banduan-banduan; 4. management, pengendalian; 5. act of expounding, penghuraian.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
assumptionn 1. act of, a. (taking for granted) membuat anggapan; b. (undertaking), (mula) memegang; (office), (mula) /memegang, menjawat/; (obligation, responsibility) memikul; c. (usurping, appropriating) perampasan, perebutan; 2. supposition, anggapan: the article made a number of ~s that cannot be proved, rencana itu membuat beberapa anggapan yg tdk dapat dibuktikan; 3. arrogance, keangkuhan, kepongahan, kebongkakan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
commandvi 1. order, memberi perintah: God ~s and man obeys, Tuhan memberi perintah dan manusia mematuhinya; 2. be in command, memegang kuasa: he is not fit to ~, dia tdk layak memegang kuasa di sini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hold 1 9. not be beaten by, mempertahankan diri drpd: the soldiers could not ~ the enemy, askar-askar itu tdk dapat mempertahankan diri drpd musuh; 10. detain, menahan: he was being held for questioning, dia ditahan utk disoal siasat; six civilians were held hostage, enam orang awam telah ditahan sbg tebusan; 11. possess, memegang, memiliki: he ~s shares in the company, dia memegang syer dlm syarikat itu; he ~s a degree in Science, dia memegang ijazah Sains;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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