command | vt 1. order, memerintah: the officer ~ed his men to attack, pegawai itu memerintah orang-orangnya supaya menyerang; do as I ~ you, buat spt yg saya perintah; 2. have authority over, memegang kuasa dlm: he ~s a destroyer, dia memegang kuasa dlm kapal pembinasa; 3. have at o’s service, berkuasa /thdp, ke atas/: she ~s large sums of money, dia berkuasa thdp wang yg banyak; 4. deserve and get, mendapat: his plight ~ed our sympathy, keadaannya yg menyedihkan itu mendapat simpati kami; an actor who ~s the attention of his audience, pelakon yg mendapat perhatian penontonnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
govern | vt 1. exercise authority over, rule, memerintah: the Labour Party has ~ed the country for the past four years, Parti Buruh telah memerintah negara itu sejak empat tahun yg lalu; 2. direct affairs of, administer, mentadbirkan: the company is ~ed by a Board of Directors, syarikat itu ditadbirkan oleh Lembaga Pengarah; 3. (influence decisively) menguasai; (control) mengawal: his actions are ~ed by public opinion, tindak-tanduknya dikuasai oleh pendapat umum; laws that ~ the killing of endangered species, undang-undang yg mengawal pembunuhan spesies yg terancam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
commanding | adj 1. being in command, pemerintah: ~ officer, pegawai pemerintah; 2. having air of authority, memerintah: she has such a ~ voice, suaranya mempunyai nada memerintah; 3. overlooking, dr... dapat dilihat [sst], [sst] dapat dilihat dr...: the fort has a ~ view of the valley, dr kubu itu dapat dilihat pemandangan seluruh lembah tersebut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dictatorial | adj 1. of, pertaining to a dictator, diktator: a ~ government, kerajaan diktator; 2. overbearing, suka memerintah: his ~ manner made him unpopular with the staff, sifatnya yg suka memerintah menjadikan dia tdk disukai oleh kakitangannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
imperative | adj 1. urgent, essential, sangat mustahak, penting sekali: it is ~ that orders be obeyed immediately, adalah sangat mustahak bahawa perintah dipatuhi dgn segera; 2. authoritative, memerintah: he always talks to his subordinate in an ~ tone, dia selalu bercakap dgn orang bawahnya dgn nada memerintah; 3. (gram.) perintah, imperatif; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
authoritative | adj 1. accepted as reliable, berwibawa, autoritatif: an ~ report, laporan yg berwibawa; he is regarded as an ~ writer on shadow play, dia dianggap sbg seorang penulis yg berwibawa ttg permainan wayang kulit; 2. commanding, memerintah: in an ~ voice, dgn nada suara yg memerintah; 3. official, rasmi: an ~ summary of the party’s policy, ringkasan rasmi ttg dasar parti itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aristocracy | n 1. government by the best citizens, pemerintahan aristokrasi; 2. class of nobles, golongan bangsawan, aristokrat; 3. governing body of nobles, golongan bangsawan yg memerintah; 4. state so governed, negara aristokrasi; 5. best representatives (of st) kumpulan [n] yg terbaik: an ~ of intellect, kumpulan cendekiawan yg terbaik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enable | >vt 1. give power to, membolehkan: a law was passed to ~ women to vote, undang-undang telah diluluskan utk membolehkan wanita mengundi; he needs an absolute majority to ~ him to govern, dia perlu mendapat majoriti mutlak utk membolehkannya memerintah; 2. give means to, membolehkan: his skill ~d him to earn a living,kemahirannya membolehkannya mencari nafkah; 3. make possible, membolehkan: the scholarship will ~ him to continue his studies, biasiswa itu akan membolehkannya meneruskan pelajarannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
firm1 | be on ~ ground, mempunyai dasar yg /kukuh, teguh/: he is on ~ ground when he maintains that Malaysian women are beautiful, dia mempunyai dasar yg kukuh apabila menegaskan bahawa wanita Malaysia cantik-cantik; with a ~ hand, dgn tegas: the king ruled with a ~ hand for over thirty years, raja itu memerintah dgn tegas lebih drpd tiga puluh tahun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |