apply | ~ (to st) (for), memohon [n] (drpd): he applied to the bank for a loan, dia memohon pinjaman drpd bank itu; defectors who applied for asylum, pembelot-pembelot yg memohon suaka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appeal | ~ for, memohon, merayu meminta: to ~ for donations, merayu meminta derma; to ~ for assistance, memohon bantuan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bless | vt ask God’s favour for, memohon /rahmat, restu, berkat/ utk: the Pope ~ed the congregation, Paus memohon restu utk jemaah itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beseech | vt 1. ask earnestly for, sangat-sangat memohon: they besought our help, mereka sangat-sangat memohon pertolongan kami; 2. plead with, merayu kpd: she besought her father in vain, dia merayu kpd bapanya tetapi sia-sia saja; he besought his captors for mercy, dia merayu kpd orang-orang yg menawannya utk mendapatkan belas kasihan mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forgiveness | n 1. act of forgiving, pemaafan; (rel to sin or serious wrongdoing) pengampunan; /ask, beg/ for ~, /meminta, memohon/ /maaf, dimaafi, dimaafkan, pemaafan/: she begged for ~, dia memohon dimaafi; 2. willingness to forgive, memaafkan: she is kind-hearted and full of ~, dia baik hati dan sentiasa rela memaafkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
implore | vt 1. plead with, entreat, merayu: she ~d him to leave immediately, dia merayu pd lelaki itu supaya pergi dgn segera; 2. request earnestly for, memohon: she ~d forgiveness from her father, dia memohon ampun drpd ayahnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clemency | n (fml) 1. leniency, belas kasihan: appeals for ~, rayuan memohon belas kasihan; 2. (of weather) kenyamanan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blessing | n 1. act of asking God’s favour, /permohonan, memohon/ /rahmat, restu, berkat/; 2. favour bestowed by God, rahmat: may God’s ~ be upon you, moga-moga kamu dilimpahi rahmat Tuhan; 3. approval, restu; give o’s ~ to, merestui; have the ~ of, direstui: the project had the ~ of the government, projek itu direstui kerajaan; 4. short prayer before or after a meal, doa; ask a ~, berdoa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extend | he applied to the authorities to get the 99-year lease on the house ~ed, dia memohon kpd pihak berkuasa supaya pajakan 99 tahun atas rumahnya dilanjutkan; proper maintenance might ~ the life of the machine, penyenggaraan yg baik mungkin dapat memanjangkan hayat mesin itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
injunction | n 1. (leg.) injunksi: the employers sought an ~ against the Union, pihak majikan memohon injunksi thdp Kesatuan Sekerja itu; 2. (instruction, command) perintah; (admonition) peringatan: he forgot all his father’s ~s and drove far too fast, dia terlupa akan segala peringatan yg diberikan oleh bapanya dan memandu dgn sangat laju. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |