accelerate | vt 1. increase the speed of, memecutkan, melajukan; 2. increase the velocity of, mempercepat, melajukan, memecutkan: the pull of gravity ~s the falling of a body, tarikan graviti mempercepat jatuhnya jisim; 3. expedite, hasten, mempercepat, mencepatkan, memesatkan: hormones that ~ plant growth, hormon yg mempercepat pertumbuhan tanaman; to ~ the passage of a bill, mempercepat kelulusan rang undang-undang; events which ~d the fall of the socialist government, peristiwa-peristiwa yg mempercepat kejatuhan kerajaan sosialis itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
expedite | vt (fml) hasten, mencepatkan, mempercepat: the government tried to ~ the building of the hospital, kerajaan mencuba mempercepat pembinaan hospital itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anticipated | 8. pay (bill etc) before due date, membayar sebelum waktunya; 9. cause to happen earlier, mempercepat: the spread of revolutionary ideas ~d the downfall of the monarchy, tersebarnya idea-idea revolusi mempercepat kejatuhan pemerintahan beraja; 10. consider in advance, memikirkan terlebih dahulu: to ~ problems that may arise, memikirkan terlebih dahulu masalah yg mungkin timbul; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anticipate | 8. pay (bill etc) before due date, membayar sebelum waktunya; 9. cause to happen earlier, mempercepat: the spread of revolutionary ideas ~d the downfall of the monarchy, tersebarnya idea-idea revolusi mempercepat kejatuhan pemerintahan beraja; 10. consider in advance, memikirkan terlebih dahulu: to ~ problems that may arise, memikirkan terlebih dahulu masalah yg mungkin timbul; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hasten | vt 1. urge on, menggesa: he ~ed me home, dia menggesa saya pulang ke rumah; 2. accelerate, mempercepat: artificial incubation ~s the hatching of eggs, pengeraman beradas mempercepat penetasan telur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hurry | ~ along, bergegas(-gegas), tergesa-gesa, terburu-buru; (imper) cepat: he hurried along with a letter in his hand, dia bergegas-gegas dgn sepucuk surat di tangannya; ~ so. along, cause so. to move faster, menggesa-gesakan sso; ~ st along, /mempercepat, mencepatkan/ sst: the minister tried to ~ the passage of the bill, menteri mencuba mempercepat proses laluan rang undang-undang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hurry | vt 1.> cause to move etc faster, menggesa-gesakan: if you ~ him, he’ll make more mistakes, kalau kamu menggesa-gesakan dia, dia akan membuat lebih banyak kesilapan; 2. cause to be done in haste, membuat dgn /tergesa-gesa, terburu-buru, bergegas-gegas/: mistakes are bound to occur if you ~ the work, kesilapan mungkin berlaku jika saudara membuat kerja itu dgn tergesa-gesa; 3. speed up, mempercepat, mencepatkan: to ~ o’s pace, mempercepat langkah sso; 4. carry with haste, mengejarkan: troops were hurried to the area, askar-askar telah dikejarkan ke kawasan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
introduce | 2. start using (st) or acquainting (so. with st) for the first time, memperkenalkan: to ~ a new product to the public, memperkenalkan barang baru kpd orang ramai; new methods were ~d to speed up the processing of official documents, kaedah-kaedah baru diperkenalkan utk mempercepat pemprosesan dokumen rasmi; an old friend ~d him to Thai boxing, kawan lamanya memperkenalkan tinju Siam kepadanya; this morning, I would like to ~ the concept of time management, pagi ini, saya ingin memperkenalkan konsep pengurusan masa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |