have | ~ st out, /mencabut, mengeluarkan/ sst: we’ll ~ the bullet out as soon as possible, kami akan mencabut peluru itu secepat mungkin; ~ it out (with so.), bersemuka (dgn sso): I’m going to ~ it out with him over this matter, saya akan bersemuka dengannya ttg perkara ini; ~ o’s sleep out, tidur secukupnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extract | vt 1. pull out by force, mencabut: he had his tooth ~ed, giginya telah dicabut; she found it difficult to ~ the cork, dia mendapati sukar utk mencabut gabus itu; 2. (liter.) take out carefully, mengeluarkan: he ~ed the document from his briefcase, dia mengeluarkan dokumen itu dr beg bimbitnya; 3. obtain by crushing, pressing, distilling, etc, mengekstrak: to ~ juice from pineapples, mengekstrak jus drpd nanas; to ~ coal, mengekstrak batu arang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | 4. also ~ down, pull down, menurunkan: she drew the blinds and turned on the light, dia menurunkan bidai dan memasang lampu; 5. also ~ out, pull out, mencabut; (kris, sword, etc) menghunus, mencabut: he drew the cork and poured our drink, dia mencabut gabus itu dan menuang minuman kami; the dentist drew two teeth, doktor gigi itu mencabut dua batang gigi; the knight drew his sword with lightning speed, kesateria itu menghunus pedangnya secepat kilat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | vi 1. sketch, delineate, melukis: he prefers ~ing with charcoal, dia lebih suka melukis dgn arang; 2. also ~ lots, mencabut undi: they drew for partners, mereka mencabut undi utk mendapat pasangan; 3. allow current of air to pass through a fire, menyedut udara: the flue isn’t ~ing, serombong itu tdk menyedut udara; 4. (of tea) terendam: let the tea ~ for a few minutes, biarkan teh itu terendam utk beberapa minit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grub | ~ up, pull out of the ground, a. (of person) mencabut: those weeds have to be ~bed up, rumpai-rumpai itu perlu dicabut; b. (of bird) mengorek-ngorek tanah utk mencari. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | /quick, fast/ on the ~, a. quick at pulling out o’s gun, /cepat, pantas/ mencabut pistol; b. (colloq) quick to understand, cepat menangkap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | 11. disembowel, mengeluarkan isi perut; 12. also ~ out, withdraw, mengeluarkan: ~ing money from a bank, mengeluarkan wang dr bank; 13. cash, menunaikan: I drew a cheque on our joint account, saya menunaikan cek dr akaun bersama kami; 14. earn, mendapat: the workers here ~ good wages, pekerja-pekerja di sini mendapat gaji yg lumayan; 15. pick out by chance, mencabut: they decided it by ~ing lots, mereka membuat keputusan dgn mencabut undi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disconnect | vt 1. undo the connection of, a. (electricity, water supply, etc) memberhentikan (+ approp n): they’ve ~ the electricity to our area, mereka telah memberhentikan bekalan elektrik ke kawasan kami; b. (electrical apparatus) mencabut palam: ~ the television before doing repairs, cabut palam televisyen sebelum membaikinya; 2. detach, menanggalkan: he ~ed the rubber tube from the pipe, dia menanggalkan getah drpd paip itu; 3. break telephone connection, terputus: our line was ~ed, talian kami terputus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cast | ~ a horoscope, meramalkan nasib; ~ a shadow on (st), (lit.) membayangi (sst); ~ a slur on so’s reputation, mencemarkan nama baik sso, memburuk-burukkan (nama sso); ~ a spell on, put a spell on, menyihir; ~ a vote, membuang undi; ~ adrift, menghanyutkan; ~ an eye (over), melihat /sepintas lalu, sekali imbas/; ~ anchor, melabuhkan sauh; be ~ ashore, terdampar di pantai; ~ aspersions on, melemparkan celaan thdp; ~ in o’s lot with, turut mengadu untung dgn; ~ lots, mencabut undi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |