beautify | vt mengindahkan, mencantikkan: plans to ~ the city, rancangan utk mengindahkan bandar itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
job | n 1. piece of work, kerja: to finish a ~ on schedule, menyelesaikan kerja mengikut jadual; 2. (colloq) example of certain type, [not translated]: his new Lincoln Continental is a lovely ~, kereta Lincoln Continentalnya yg baru itu cantik betul; 3. duty, tugas, kerja: his ~ is to tidy the room, tugasnya adalah membersihkan bilik itu; 4. employment, pekerjaan: to apply for a ~, memohon pekerjaan; lose o’s ~, dibuang kerja; 5. criminal act, (perbuatan) jenayah: he spent four years behind bars for a ~ he did in Hong Kong, dia dipenjarakan selama empat tahun krn jenayah yg dilakukannya di Hong Kong; 6. (colloq) st difficult to do, susah (betul): it’s quite a ~ to get to the house, susah betul hendak sampai ke rumah itu; 7. (colloq) plastic surgery operation, mencantikkan: she’s had a nose ~, hidungnya telah dicantikkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |