avalanche | n 1. runtuhan + approp n: many people were killed in the ~, banyak orang yg terbunuh dlm runtuhan salji itu; 2. (fig.) datang mencurah-curah; (of words, questions, etc) hamburan: an ~ of fan mail, surat peminat yg datang mencurah-curah; an ~ of questions, hamburan pertanyaan; /inundated with, overwhelmed by, etc/ an ~ of, dihujani, dibanjiri: he was inundated with an ~ of congratulatory messages, dia dihujani surat ucap tahniah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bucket | vi 1. move jerkily, melambung-lambung: the jeep ~ed along the bumpy road, jip itu melambung-lambung di sepanjang jalan yg tdk rata itu; 2. (of rain) turun mencurah-curah: it’s been ~ing down since early this morning, hujan turun mencurah-curah sejak awal pagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bucket | n 1. pail, baldi, timba; 2. bucketful, the contents of a bucket, /baldi, timba/ (penuh): a ~ of sand, sebaldi (penuh) pasir; 3. scoop of dredging-machine, grain-elevator, etc, timba; 4. (in pl) large quantities of (rain, blood, etc ), [hujan, darah, dll] yg mencurah-curah; come down in ~s, turun mencurah-curah; /cry, weep/ ~s, (colloq) menangis beria-ia; kick the ~, (sl) kojol; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flood | n 1. great overflow of water, banjir, bah: the heavy rain has caused widespread ~s, hujan lebat menyebabkan banjir besar; the F~, Banjir, Bah; be in ~, banjir: the river is in ~, sungai itu banjir; 2. also flood tide, rising tide, air pasang; be at the ~, sedang pasang; 3. large quantities (of enquiries, criticisms, etc) dibanjiri: there was a ~ of enquiries after the TV programme, selepas rancangan itu, stesen TV tersebut dibanjiri pertanyaan; be in ~s of tears, menangis dgn air mata sso mencurah-curah: she was in ~s of tears after the exam results were published, dia menangis dgn air matanya mencurah-curah setelah keputusan peperiksaan itu diumumkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burst | n 1. breach or rupture, pecah: a ~ in the dyke, pecah pd benteng; a ~ in the water mains, pecah pd paip besar; 2. a. sudden esplosion, (of gunfire) letusan [n] yg /bertubi-tubi, berturut-turut/; (of shells) ledakan, letupan: there was a ~ of machine-gun fire, kedengaran letusan mesingan yg bertubi-tubi; shell ~s lit up the sky, ledakan peluru meriam menerangi langit; b. sudden violent occurrence or outbreak, (of flames) tiba-tiba bergejolak; (of thunder) dentuman; (of rain) tiba-tiba turun mencurah-curah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arrival | n 1. act of, a. (reaching destination, appearing on the scene) ketibaan, tiba, sampai: crowds of people watched the ~ of the guests, banyak orang yg memperhatikan ketibaan para tetamu itu; to wait for the ~ of fresh supplies, menunggu bekalan yg baru tiba; his unexpected ~ at the party caused quite a stir, ketibaannya yg tdk disangka-sangka di majlis itu menimbulkan kekecohan sedikit; b. (coming of season etc) ketibaan, sampai: torrential downpours signalled the ~ of the wet season, hujan lebat yg turun mencurah-curah menandakan ketibaan musim tengkujuh; c. (reaching an objective, end) mencapai; d. (colloq) being born, kelahiran; 2. time of arriving, waktu ketibaan: ~s and departures, waktu ketibaan dan waktu berlepas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |