heap | ~ /upon, on/, (fig.) mencurahkan: the public ~ed praises upon the author, orang ramai mencurahkan puji-pujian thdp pengarang itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flush1 | give st a ~, mencurahkan air ke dlm sst: the drain needs clearing: give it a ~, longkang itu perlu dibersihkan: curahkan air ke dalamnya; in the first ~ of, (semasa) mula mengecap nikmat: in the first ~ of victory hopes were high, semasa mula mengecap nikmat kemenangan, harapan melambung tinggi; in the full ~ of, pd kemuncak: in the full ~ of youth, pd /kemuncak, puncak/ keremajaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deposit | vt 1. put, set down, [various translations]: she ~ed the parcel on the table, dia meletakkan bungkusan itu di atas meja; he wanted to know where he could ~ the cement, dia hendak tahu tempat dia harus mencurahkan simen itu; they ~ed me at the bus station, mereka menurunkan saya di stesen bas; 2. entrust, place, (esp in a bank) menyimpan: to ~ o’s wages in the bank, menyimpan wang gaji sso di bank; he ~ed the documents with his lawyer, dia menyimpan dokumen-dokumen itu pd peguamnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
energy | n 1. force, capacity for vigorous action, tenaga: the young usually have more ~ than the old, orang muda biasanya mempunyai lebih banyak tenaga drpd orang tua; be full of ~, penuh bertenaga;2. (in pl) person’s powers for working, tenaga: he poured all his energies into his work, dia mencurahkan segala tenaganya pd kerjanya; 3. (phys) tenaga: solar ~, tenaga suria; kinetic ~, tenaga kinetik; 4. fuel and other resources, tenaga:an ~ crisis, krisis tenaga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
empty | vt 1. remove contents of, mengosongkan: he emptied his pockets of their contents, dia mengosongkan poketnya; 2. transfer (contents of one thing into another) membuang, mengeluarkan: she emptied the dust from the vacuum cleaner into the rubbish bin, dia membuang habuk dr penyedut vakum itu ke dlm tong sampah; he emptied sand from his shoes, dia membuang pasir dr kasutnya; 3. unburden, meluahkan, mencurahkan: he wanted to ~ his heart to her, dia ingin meluahkan perasaan hatinya kpd wanita itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |