claim | vt 1. assert, mendakwa: he ~s he is an expert, dia mendakwa bahawa dia pakar; the witness ~ed that she was at the scene of the crime, saksi itu mendakwa bahawa dia berada di tempat kejadian jenayah itu; both parties ~ed victory, kedua-dua pihak mendakwa memperoleh kemenangan; 2. demand, menuntut: to ~ compensation from the company, menuntut pampasan drpd syarikat itu; to ~ o’s rights and privileges, menuntut hak dan keistimewaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impeach | vt 1. (esp US) charge (so. with serious crime) mendakwa: the opposition party took action to ~ the President, parti pembangkang mengambil tindakan utk mendakwa Presiden itu; 2. (fml) challenge (so’s honour, reputation, etc) mencabar: to ~so’s motives, mencabar motif sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indict | vt charge, mendakwa: he was ~ed on a charge of murder, dia didakwa membunuh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
finished | 3. no longer important, influential, etc, habislah: some people claim that the book is ~ as an educational medium, sesetengah orang mendakwa habislah buku itu sbg media pendidikan; because of his offensive statements, he’s ~ as a politician, krn kenyataan-kenyataannya yg menyinggung perasaan, habislah dia sbg ahli politik; 4. used up, consumed, habis: I’m sorry, the wine is ~; would you like guava juice?, minta maaf, wain sudah habis; kamu mahu air jambu; 5. completed, made, kemasan: the product is badly ~, barangan ini buruk kemasannya; ~ product, barangan siap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fix | 9. (colloq) illicitly influence, a. (the result of) mengatur: he claimed that the election results have been ~ed, dia mendakwa bahawa keputusan pilihan raya itu telah diatur; b. (the actions of) menyuap, menyogok: I think someone has ~ed the referee, saya rasa ada orang yg telah menyuap pengadil; 10. (colloq) get even with, mengenakan: they really ~ed Mr Chan when they burnt his distillery, mereka betul-betul mengenakan Encik Chan apabila mereka membakar kilang araknya; 11. treat (photographic film etc) with chemicals, mematikan warna; 12. convert into nitrogen compound, mengikat: most leguminous plants can ~ nitrogen in the soil, kebanyakan tumbuhan legum dapat mengikat nitrogen dlm tanah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
counter 3 | vt 1. retaliate, membalas: he ~ed the charge by claiming that he had been framed, dia membalas tuduhan itu dgn mendakwa bahawa dia telah dianiaya; 2. act in retaliation to, bertindak balas thdp: to ~ the rise in street crime, the police made more regular patrols, utk bertindak balas thdp meningkatnya jenayah di jalan raya, pihak polis membuat rondaan yg lebih kerap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infringe | ~ on, mencabuli: to ~ on so’s private life, mencabuli kehidupan peribadi sso; the group claimed that the new law ~d on basic human rights, kumpulan tersebut mendakwa bahawa undang-undang baru itu mencabuli hak asasi manusia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
juice2 | vt; ~ st up, (US), (colloq), /menokok tambah, menambah/ sst supaya lebih menarik: she claimed that the writer had ~d up the story, dia mendakwa bahawa penulis itu telah menokok tambah cerita tersebut supaya lebih menarik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
falsify | vt make false or represent falsely, memalsukan: to ~ an official document, memalsukan dokumen rasmi; to ~ evidence, memalsukan bukti; he claimed that the newspaper had falsified his account of the incident, dia mendakwa bahawa akhbar itu telah memalsukan laporannya ttg peristiwa tersebut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incorrect | adj 1. (wrong, not true) salah; (inaccurate) tdk betul: there was only one ~ answer in the whole paper, hanya satu jawapan saja yg salah dlm keseluruhan kertas itu; ~ calculations, kiraan yg salah; he claimed that the statement was ~, dia mendakwa bahawa kenyataan itu tdk betul; ~ Spanish, penggunaan bahasa Sepanyol yg tdk betul; 2. not proper, tdk patut: conduct considered to be ~, kelakuan yg dianggap tdk patut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |